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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
Your ID
Players nickname
Treavor Knox
Administrators nickname
Uchiha Shisui
Jun 22, 2024

Treavor Knox

Leader Knox
Jun 20, 2024
Mr. Dear Labron This Girl posts a forum on me and admin got me 7 days, but Now I feel like guilty on my act I will never do this again plz un ban me it's my Ban history is very small and I never get ban for even 1 day Yah I got demorgan or kick some times but it's my first time ban I would like to have money wipe instead of more 7 days ban so plz un ban me ......
And also, in her own Pov
I didn't do any animation on him and according to rule no GR 6.8 animation is prohibited I just finish her and give her a lesson Bec she is coming to my fam house again and again and doing revenge killing as Bec I don't have pov of her revenge killing i will not file COMPLANT on it....
and Dear Labron if it's a GR 6.8 plz unban me by Money wipe and if it's wrong decision plz unban me directly thank you sir!!!!

Treavor Knox

Leader Knox
Jun 20, 2024
And Sir in that POV from 2: 00 to 2:57 ID 136263 Doo same Act on My Fam leader and also From 2: 59 to 3; 25 he Harras women by asking her you are a boy in woman clothes and talk shit many more on her .....
And also at 0: 14 that bitch is asking to a woman take some money and goo to his house soo he got too many rules brake
And at 0:20 her fam mamber 142690 is indirectly talking shit about her monther he uses M world to obey admins and say his sentance
and at 1:24 ID 136263 and 119787 is mixing and ear rape and at 1: 35 That guy ID 136263 kills him with out any warning and hot Charges of
RDM + Force RP
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