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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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kevin ford
Jun 22, 2024
https://youtu.be/Rd6SPuR4BDk https://youtu.be/m7sMX6c3G64


May 31, 2024
Hello Bobby,

1.)I Got banned because MR.Kevin Ford found me mei doing MG(Metagaming) , as far i know MG means , using OOC information in IC,
So when and where did Kevin Ford fond me doing MG,

the POV link im sharing
and and previous thread link

2.) the issue started when i complained on Maverick Holland who miss used his power as HC ,LR1.7 The leader of the organization has the right to dismiss employees of his organization if he has lost any confidence in them with the senior curators approval. when did my HC discussed with other HC about firing me where is POV of discussion and where is the approval

3.)as far as i know, when PDA is connected to the LSPD server, left eye information is IC only, then how come its OCC as per Kevin Ford,

4.) Kevin also mentioned that my HC sees me arresting an HC hence he dont need a proof, but my question is where was Maverick Holland in the city, does Maverick Holland has valid POV that he was in the city when i arrest him, because KEVIN FORD said he sees me arresting but when i called my HC multiples times on radio no HC replied to me and its there on my POV, he never replied to my radio calls, and why only he responded on OCC(mail) not in city(IC) this shows he was not there in city and after discussion on OOC(mail) he flew back to the city and i got kicked in city (IC) now who is actually did Metagaming, also he dint respected LR1.7,he just flew back and fired me

5.)/GR6.4/Does Honey Loadx has POV that he has a corrupt bio and when did he joined , who took his interview, because sir, i have never seen him in city as LSPD not During Events/Patrolling/even any radio calls, and im very active

6.)who called Maverick Holland to come to mails(OOC) and how he contacted Maverick Holland(OOC) or(IC)??? , because he was not in the city,if he was he could have replied to my radio calls but he dint, does he has POV of the event during arrest showing he was in city?, now who did metagaming here?

7.) did Honey Loadx called Maverick Holland using OCC information to get help in IC? does Honey Loadx or Maverick Holland they have POV?

wothout consideting any of this, Mr.KEVIN FORD punished me for MG, now when and where did i do metagaming?

here i dint do anything ,simply i was banned mentioning i did MG, just because i complaint against HC, now does Maverick Holland and Mr.KEVIN FORD using OCC information to benefits in IC? i dont know, senior admins should look into this


Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

you are appealing for DM in the title which is Death match and your entire complaint is about MG?!
make up your mind and fill a correct complaint according to the rules!!
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