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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Nova Winters
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Yaswanth Trigger
Jun 24, 2024

Pikachu Uzumaki

Apr 2, 2023
In this forum Approved - Gen Rule 6.4 | 40581 i get punishment for Gen Rule 6.4+ Vdm.
Gen Rule 6.4 is It is forbidden to play the bad side of an employee of state structures (for example: a bad cop, a politician) without having an RP biography. | WARN
When I have a Bio Rejected - GOV Corrupt Bio | Zero Pikachu | 40581 . For change my name it was revoked at yesterday and I get new onehttp://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/734333/post-2607672.

As per legislation
Code of Civil and Procedural Law 16.3.8 Have an Exception like this: USSS takes command of any emergencies and special operations concerning the First Persons of the State, but may transfer command to the FIB by Agreement. Its mines for the government FPS[First Persons of the State]
security only USSS agent can give.
As per legislation of Code of Civil and Procedural Law
14.2.4. Organised Motorcade of First Persons - an organised convoy of two or more vehicles, with police cars with flashing beacons and special signals turned on at the head and tail of the convoy.
14.2.6. The First Persons have the right to wear special equipment to ensure their own safety in the absence of government guards.

This is my pov
. U can see at this full situation there is no USSS agent for my security and DOC officers not allow to give security

The thread owner didn't get punishment for fear rp when he get short at his body. And he said at forum his unit was shooting him in his pov I didn't see any FIB agent to shoot. its means he telling lie so we can say this it was lying with admin

Fear rp mines fear for my life not about this here have unit for my protection. He need to fear for his life. I am requesting look at his fear rp

And he is a deputy of FIB

And the admin Yaswanth trigger said
14.2.6. The First Persons have the right to wear special equipment to ensure their own safety in the absence of government guards.
Can see Government guards around you in the situation.

but at legislation of Code of Civil and Procedural Law 16.3.8 Have an Exception like this: USSS takes command of any emergencies and special operations concerning the First Persons of the State

Its means just USSS can give protection not other government agent.

I am requesting to verify my pov:

I am requesting to please look on this.
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