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Muhit Hasan

Apr 9, 2024
Organization: National Guard

Name: Muhit Hassan
Gender: Male
Nationality: Bangladeshi
Place of Birth: Bangladesh
Eye Colour: Black
Hair Colour: No Hair
Tattoos: Left hand,Right hand,Back,Neck
Strengths: Sharp Memory, Calm Gesture can handle any situations.
Weakness: Anger issue.

Life Story: Muhit was born in Bangladesh. His father, a landlord was very rich and famous. However, during the 1971 freedom fight, his father had chosen the enemy team. He was known as "Rajakar" to the common people who wanted freedom. The enemy team was strong but they were not able to win against the Patriots of Bangladesh. Muhit and his family had no other choice but to run from the country. They soon went to Los Santos where his father started a new job and Muhit started his educational life. However LSPD was able to find "Rajakar" and his wife as they were one of the wanted criminals by the interpol. Both of them were arrested by the interpol. By that time Muhit also finished his studies and was prepared for a job. After seeing his parents getting arrested by interpol, he at that exact moment thought of becoming an interpol officer. In fact, a corrupt interpol officer in order to free his parents. He passed and became an interpol officer. But he was not able to save his father from the death row. This made him feel so sorry that he left interpol and joined LSPD where he started his real corrupt career in order to make money and be able to buy the government of Bangladesh and make them let his mother go free.
Career Story: Muhit was enjoying his life in luxury after getting in LSPD and making dirty money. This luxury made him forget about his mother who was living in the jail for 2 straight years. He used to spend his life between money and women. But when he noticed a mother in the park playing with her child he remembered about his mother. He soon realized what a big mistake he had done by not going to his mother and not doing work to get her out of the jail. Realizing his mistakes he sold all his properties and luxurious stuff. He again started saving money to bail his mother. Soon he made enough money and went to Bangladesh to see his mother after 6 long years. He burst out of crying after seeing his mother in a poor situation. At that exact moment he promised his mother that he would take her out of the jail by any means. He hired the greatest attorney available and tried to bail his mother. However he failed. So he had no other choice but to risk his life by trying to bribe the President. He put his life at risk and went to the President of Bangladesh and bribed him with $100 Million dollars and made his mother free from prison. However, these rumors were spread through LSPD and as a result he was unable to go back to LSPD. Finding no other profession of his choice, he joined the National Guard in order to make people believe that he is a true Patriot. But after joining the National Guard he found it more enjoyable. Soon he found a great way of making millions through the National Guard. He took the chance and started his new corrupt career as a soldier of the National Guard.


1.Muhit can take bribes (up to $100,000 and ask for the guns/ammo/illegal stuff as bribe).

2.Muhit will do anything possible to help his family and close friends. release them if they are in cuffs,drop their charges and let them escape.

3.Muhit can torture/interrogate for information(using the /try command twice per situation)

4.Muhit can act like a criminal.For example: Ghetto clapping,Buy and sell any illegal items/weapons(No Org Wepons).

5.Muhit Can break any ic law and able to use his position in NG.

6.Muhit can lie to suspects about calling a lawyer and still process them without identifying himself with the id and without a lawyer.

7.Muhit is able to attempt tp search for a bodycam(using /try command twice per situation),and if found (/do breaks bodycam).

8.Muhit can leak any information to criminals in exchange for money or favours.

9.Muhit can be disrespectful/rude when talking to other people and can shoot with demands (kepping in mind OOC gen rules,Gen 6.10 and 6.19).

10.Muhit can arrest someone for fake charges IF he severely dislikes him or for revenge.(within sufficient rp reasons and too severe).

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