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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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MertAli Canalann
Administrators nickname
Lebron Pluxury
Jun 22, 2024

MertAli Canalann

Aug 12, 2023
I always took over the night shift. While driving around the city after my shift, I learned from the state radio that there were fist fights and went there. They told us that speed boost is not allowed and my opponent did speed boost and she did even attacked when they stopped the match and i died. İ was the one who disqualified because i died. when i come back again i thought she was the one who disqualified and waited in the barrier. Winner announced while i was waiting. İ was talking to shloke and shikamaru about this but they are just gone anyway after they gone someone punched me. İ wanted to punch him back again and i hit someone else by accident and i get jail for this by uchiha shisui and because of saying speed boost and shift he gave me mute. When i was chasing the guy who hit me, 2 random guy started shooting. And i ran away from them to my car because shots fired and one of them kept tracking me and i hided behind the vehicle and convincing him to not killing me. And when he made an admin complaint i got a warn for Fear RP. İf it is for hiding instead of running, here is my explanation: Running might be better option in GTA since i can try chicken running and i wont die from 1 bullet. But if it is IRL you cant take the risk of even getting 1 bullet and you are no faster than bullet. Thats what i did there. I hided behind my vehicle but if i tried to run he could manage to shoot me. Actually he still did but it is certain death when someone is trying to kill you with fire arm and you are unarmed. İt is hopeless situation at the beginning. I would stay in cover with instinct if it was real life so i did the same in game. By the way i started running when they start shooting and they did the rule break first. The only part might be fear rp is to shouting that he is doing RDM but he failed the script in RP so it became harder to keep the RP. Please remove my warn because i am a EMS HC and i want to serve city.
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