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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Jonty Federal
Administrators nickname
Tomi Meller
Jun 23, 2024

Maxel Dsouza

Ex-En2 Bloods Leader
Jun 23, 2024
Hello dear Lebron Pluxury
I agree to delete my money
I agree because I want to return to the server and have fun with my friends, and anything you ask, I am ready
Every time you ask me for a request and I fulfill it, I want you to unblock me and return to the server
I am the original owner of the account
So when I went, I wanted to share my account with friends
When I returned to the game, I got Ban for General Rules 1.1
So I agree to delete my money
Thank you
Best Regards




Maxel Dsouza

Ex-En2 Bloods Leader
Jun 23, 2024
I am Jonty Federal , identified as ID: 153436, and I began playing Garnd RP just a week ago. Unfortunately, my account has been blocked for 59 days under General Rule 1.1. Upon reviewing this rule on the Grand RP site, I realized that I have never engaged in any form of account trading. In fact, I was simply visiting my elder brother’s house and logged into Grand RP to enjoy the game with friends. Upon returning home and logging into my account on my desktop this morning (June 24, 2024), I was surprised to discover that my account had been banned for 59 days. I was unaware that I had violated any rules, and I sincerely apologize for any unintentional oversight on my part.

I assure you that such a mistake will not happen again, and I will be more vigilant in avoiding any similar misunderstandings in the future. This is my first offense, and I assure you it will be my last. Therefore, I kindly request that you reconsider and lift the ban on my account, allowing me to continue playing Grand RP.

I understand the importance of adhering to the rules of the game and I am committed to doing so going forward. Your understanding and consideration in this matter are greatly appreciated.

I need to chill with friends in Grand RP so I accept any other punishment like a money wipe.

My Social club name is - SUBHOPRIYO

Thank you for your attention to this issue.
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