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The Magnus Instinct
Jun 12, 2024
1. Are you 18 or older (age OOC): Yes
2. Time zone: GMT 6+ Dhaka
3. Daily time active on the server (12PM-3AM)
4. Average online per week (hours): 74hours
5. Your Discord ID: john.magnus
6. Your characters' name (IC): John Magnus
7. Your ingame ID (Main and twink): 387442
8. Your ingame level: 10+
9. Prefered curator of (State or Crime): Both
Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life? : I believe that being an admin would provide me with the opportunity to use my organizational, problem-solving, and communication skills to contribute to the success of the team. While I've enjoyed my time in RP-life, I'm excited to take on new challenges and continue growing professionally.

2. What positions have you held in the city? (Crime/State/Leader of Unofficial): Crime- Ballas Gang
State- SAHP

3. What are your strengths? : My strengths include strong attention to detail, excellent time management skills, and the ability to work independently and as part of a team. I'm highly organized and efficient, and I'm able to prioritize tasks effectively to meet deadlines. Additionally, I have strong communication skills and am able to collaborate with others to achieve shared goals. Finally, I'm adaptable and able to learn quickly, which allows me to take on new responsibilities and challenges with confidence.

4. What are your weaknesses?: One of my weaknesses is that I can sometimes be too detail-oriented, which can lead to perfectionism and difficulty delegating tasks. I'm aware of this tendency and am working on finding a balance between attention to detail and letting go of control when it's appropriate. Another weakness is that I can sometimes struggle with public speaking and can become nervous when presenting to large groups. However, I'm committed to improving in this area and have been taking steps to practice and become more comfortable with public speaking.

6. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin): I don't have a business

7. Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment? : No, I don't have such issues.

8. Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?: I believe that my experience in RP-life has given me a unique perspective on team dynamics and communication, which I believe will be valuable in the admin role. Additionally, I'm highly committed to professional development and am eager to learn and grow in this role. Finally, I'm passionate about the work that this team does and would be honored to have the opportunity to contribute my skills and experience to its success. Thank you.

Rifat White

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Jan 21, 2023

Low ic age and gain more experience
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