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Ammar Connor

Jul 26, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Ammar
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: GMT +05:30
4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord: ammar_connor_60395
6. Your Nickname: Ammar Connor
7. Your ID: 166031

Additional information

1- Leader of Ballas

2 Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation):

  1. I have been in city for more that 2 years and i have had a lot of experience in ghetto and in gangs. I have the knowledge of how they work and how to lead a gang. its been my dream to be able to become a leader of a gang and make my gang, one of the most feared gangs in the city. Ballas has always been my favorite gang and it would be a dream come true if I was able to lead Ballas.
  2. I have been in Ballas as under deputy for 3 terms, been in Bloods as under deputy for 2 terms , Marabunta as under deputy for 1 term, Vagos as under deputy for 4 terms, Families as under deputy for 2 terms. and through out these terms I have gained immense amount of experience on how a gang works. I want to achieve my goals and dreams of becoming a gang leader so I can bring new changes and nourish the gang the way I have imagined it to be.
  3. While being in gang for all these years, I have managed to make a lot of friends. I am going to take the help of all my friends to create a strong team which will help me lead and make Ballas one of the most active gangs in the city.

3 Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
  1. Knowing all the Ghetto Rules and Server rules is an absolute basic necessity for all my gang member.
  2. I along with my deputies will try our level best to make sure that all the gang members understand everything about any events we do and what is their role in the said event.
  3. We will try to make more IC events like hostage situation and store robberies so we can interact with the LEOs more which in turn will also help maximize Roleplay for the Legal orgs too.
  4. I will try to give opportunities to new people to negotiate and lead the events so that everyone can get experience first hand themselves and become a more apt Role player.(By doing this, My motto is to nourish and help new people to train and become expert so that they can in turn too lead gang in future when their time comes.)
  5. I will also make sure that the gang adheres to the ranks hierarchy and listen to the higher ups.
  6. I will also make sure that an high command is always present while gang members try to rob people so no rule is broken.
  7. Regular talks to the curator and discussing any problem if they arise will also be a huge help.

MY Goals:

  1. Highly experienced HCs is a must in my gang, biased promotions and handing out ranks to new comers with 10 to 15 years in the city will not be accepted.
  2. Finishing term with zero warnings is my goal, I will make sure my HCs keep strict check on recruitments to avoid rule breaks.
  3. Hosting as many IC events as possible to contribute to the city and help keep an enjoyable environment.
  4. Minimum to no toxicity and motivate everyone to have a positive mindset.
  5. Doing multiple hostage situations and robberies along with store robberies, Gang raids and the most fun thing FZ Raids will be on top of my list.
  6. Failing to follow the chain of command and abusing power will lead to blacklist or kick from the gang.
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