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Harry Flawless

Jun 12, 2021
1. Your name IRL - Olle

2. Your age - 18

3. Time zone - GMT +1

4. Average online per day - 2-10 hours.

5. Your Discord - olle1411

6. Your Nickname - Harry Flawless

7. Your ID - 30743

1. Leader of Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

I've spent many years in the gang, both as a deputy and a regular player. Now, I want to lead the gang because of its important history and legacy, as well as the excitement of making it the best!

My friends and I have a lot of experience. We're sure we can achieve our goals to make the Roleplay better and bring the Ballas back as the strongest gang the city has seen in a long time. In addition to this we will also have a goal of getting a 100% territories.

In short, I believe I should lead the Ballas gang again. I have plans to organize and improve everything. Most importantly, I'll make sure everyone has a great time in the gang.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

Like everyone says, I will make sure to revive the ghetto with my gang. But in addition to this, I will also make sure we win as many events as possible. My friends and I will give our 100% to win whatever we can!

In addition to that, I will ensure the role play is taken to a high level, creating opportunities for all organizations to engage with or against us. I aim to eliminate toxicity while still being competitive.

Thanks for reading,


Lastly, I am committed to creating good RP scenarios and numerous high-quality global events that can be fun for all citizens and organizations.
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