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Rejected Personal Biography | Dave Falcon | 292940

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May 17, 2024
Name : Dave Falcon
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Race: White
Nationality: Swedish
Place of Birth: Sweden (Stockholm)
Sexuailty : Straight
weight: 72kg
Height: 172cm
eye colour: Blue
hair colour: Black & white
tattoos: Mulitple on arms,chest and back
strengths : Good shooter, smart, quick thinker.
Weakness: Sometimes loses temper easily

Life story:
Dave Falcon, born in the streets of Södermalm, Stockholm, was a true product of his environment. Life in Södermalm wasn’t a fairy tale. It was more like a tough, unforgiving bootcamp. Dave’s parents, Ingrid and Lars, were hardworking but struggled to make ends meet. Ingrid juggled multiple cleaning jobs, always trying to put food on the table, while Lars worked at the docks, his hands and back bearing the marks of years of hard labor. They were good folks, but life didn't cut them any slack. Growing up, Dave saw his parents working their fingers to the bone just to keep a roof over their heads. But despite their efforts, the lure of the streets proved too tempting for young Dave. He dropped out of school at 14, feeling the classroom walls closing in on him. School seemed like a distant world, far removed from the daily grind he saw at home and on the streets.The gangs of Södermalm offered Dave something he desperately craved acceptance and a sense of belonging. He started small, with pickpocketing and shoplifting, a nod to his cleverness and quick hands. But soon, those small time hustles weren’t enough. Dave’s ambitions grew, and so did the risks he was willing to take. The local gangs became his family, and the streets of Södermalm, his playground.

Dave can find bodycams (/try to search for bodycam) and break bodycams (/do breaks the bodycam).

2. Dave improved his shooting skills while he was in the gang.

Dave can take down more then 1 guy by himself (with following Fear RP)

4. Dave, a skilled driver from Södermalm's tough streets, became a getaway ace in Los Angelses. His mastery over navigating grass, sand, dirt, and gravel made him the gang's go to driver. However, he steered clear of unrealistic stunts, like mountain driving or UB tricks.
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