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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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john aryal
Administrators nickname
Jun 30, 2024
around 8 in mor
i accept i have done mistake but i dont kenw about that so plz for give me

john aryal

Jun 30, 2024
I dont know about this rule just one people came and aask me what is your rank i told him my rank is 12 and told me take juns from org and sell it when i told him is there any punishment he told no this is your axis you can do it dont worry and i took aamo but i just started doing from 2 days and i earned only less than 100k i have been plying since more than 1month i donk know abou i have worked so hard to earn my 12m in my id plz unband me i have been following all the rules which i know but i dint know about this rule plz just remove 100k from my id and unband me plz i like this game so much i dint know about this rule plz fore give me plz bro plz i am really sorry plz unband my id plz plz bro i am so sad bro i am regredding by that man question sorry i am sorry plz unband me plz ii have earned my all money by legel way only this i have done a big mistake plz unband me en2 149534

i really regret by following the way of earning money like that and obeying that man plz unband my id i have worked so hard to make 12m in game i havent spend money i have been collecting money since i jointhe game to buy battel ppass i aasked him money but he suggest me to do take gun and see that is myy biggest mistake ever plz dont harm my id i realy love my id amy gta rp plz only remove the guns and aamo which i have took from org i wont do any thing like this.

i agree i have done a mistake plz for gaive me .i will take time and read and rember all the importand and usefull rules and follow all the rules all the time i really appolize for this work i have done i have work so hard plz unband my id i wont do again fore give i hope you will understand my situation plz dont remove my hard work money 12 i have saved to buy ybattel pass and plz unband my id i regred so much plz plz brother plz my game id is en2 149534
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