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Jun 13, 2024

  • Name:** [Abdul Wahab]
  • Age:** [21]
  • Time Zone:** [Instant Daylight]
  • -Average online per day:** [5 to 7 hours]
  • In-Game Name:** [Abdul Wahab]
  • Discord ID:** [Wahab1735]
  • In game id:** [1951]
  • Your in game level:**[13]
  • Languages spoken:** English,Urdu,Hindi
  • What section do u prefer to be in:** State

Additional Information

  • Why I Want to Be an Admin and leave rp life:**

I have been an active member of the GTA RP community for [X] years, and my time on GTA Grand RP has been particularly rewarding. The unique blend of creativity and structured gameplay here has inspired me to become more involved. As an admin, I want to help maintain the server’s high standards, ensuring every player has a fair and enjoyable experience.

  • What are your streghts:**

1. **Conflict Resolution:**

- In my previous role as a moderator on [Rage mp Server], I successfully resolved numerous player disputes, ensuring that all parties felt heard and respected. My approach focuses on clear communication and empathy, allowing for effective and fair solutions.

2. **Rule Enforcement:**

- I am well-versed in the rules and guidelines that keep RP servers running smoothly. I have a firm but fair approach to rule enforcement, ensuring that players understand the importance of maintaining a respectful and engaging environment.

3. **Event Organization:**

- I have organized multiple in-game events, ranging from small community meet-ups to large-scale scenarios. My organizational skills and attention to detail ensure these events run smoothly and provide a memorable experience for participants.

4. **Technical Proficiency:**

- With a strong understanding of both the game mechanics and server management tools, I am equipped to handle technical issues promptly. I am also open to learning any specific tools or software used by the GTA Grand RP server.

  • What are your weakness:**

I have no weakness that can stop me to be an admin.

  • What skills you can bring to admin team:**

If given the opportunity to join the admin team, I aim to:

- **Enhance Player Engagement:** By organizing regular events and activities that cater to a variety of playstyles.

- **Promote Inclusivity:** Ensuring that all players, regardless of their experience level, feel welcome and valued within the community.

- **Maintain Server Integrity:** By upholding the rules and addressing any issues that may arise swiftly and fairly.

- **Foster Growth:** Encouraging new players to join and providing them with the support they need to integrate seamlessly into the community.

  • Will you ready to sell your business:**

Yes, I don’t have any business

  • Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon:**

No there is not any issue or situation which is or will preventing me from being active


I am excited about the possibility of contributing to GTA Grand RP as an admin. I am confident that my skills, experience, and passion for roleplaying make me a strong candidate for this position. Thank you for considering my application.

I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to the continued success and growth of GTA Grand RP.

Best regards,

[Abdul Wahab]


Hassan Error

Jul 23, 2023
Incorrect format
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