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Jan 28, 2023

Adam's Admin Application

Personal Information

  • Name (IRL): Adam
  • Age (OOC): 19
  • Time Zone + Country: GMT+3 gordan

In-Game Details

  • Play Time: 12:00 to 03:00 (Server Time)
  • Average Online Per Day: 3-6 hours
  • Discord ID: .adamdark
  • Character's Name (IC): adam mandem
  • In-Game ID: 4784
  • In-Game Level: 2 (Experienced in EN1 and EN2 with my other account)
  • Languages Spoken: English, Hebrew, Arabic
  • Preferred Section: State

Additional Information

Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?

I want to become an admin because I am passionate about contributing to the community in a more impactful way. Leaving RP-life is a step towards taking on greater responsibility and helping maintain a positive environment for all players. I believe my experience and dedication will be valuable in ensuring fair play and resolving issues efficiently.

What are your strengths?

  • Communication: Fluent in English, Hebrew, and Arabic, enabling effective communication with a diverse player base.
  • Experience: Extensive experience in EN1 and EN2 servers, giving me a deep understanding of server rules and player dynamics.
  • Problem-solving: Quick to handle conflicts and find fair solutions.
  • Dedication: Committed to maintaining a positive and enjoyable gaming experience for all players.

What are your weaknesses?

  • Perfectionism: Sometimes I focus too much on details, which can slow down decision-making processes.
  • Delegation: I sometimes struggle with delegating tasks, preferring to handle things myself to ensure they are done correctly.

What skills can you bring to the admin team?

  • Multilingual Communication: My ability to speak three languages allows me to assist a wide range of players and resolve issues that may arise due to language barriers.
  • Technical Skills: Proficient in troubleshooting and resolving in-game technical issues.
  • Conflict Resolution: Experienced in mediating disputes and ensuring that server rules are upheld fairly and consistently.
  • Leadership: Ability to lead by example and motivate others to follow server rules and maintain a positive community atmosphere.

Will you be ready to sell your business?

Yes, I understand and agree to the restriction of not having a business while serving as an admin.

Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?

No, I do not have any IRL issues or situations that would prevent me from being active. I am committed to being present and engaged in the community.

Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?

I am highly motivated and passionate about the server and its community. My previous experiences and language skills make me a valuable candidate for the admin team. I am eager to contribute positively and help the server thrive.

Emad Pluxury

Senior Curator of Support
Senior Administrator
Apr 24, 2022
Take some time to gain more experience in the EN03 Server.​
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