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Your ID
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Bubbles Xoxo
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Jul 10, 2024
Time of violation


Jan 4, 2023
I went to sleep last night afk and I had around 4.4 million in my pocket. I woke up this morning and I was at the hospital and I had 10m dollars in my pocket. While I was sleeping someone came to me and gave me to much money to specifically target me. This has happened before, I had a stalker in en1 he has been blacklisted but he still has friends in city and I am continually being targeted. I did not ask for the money and I was set up and I am asking for it to be removed and I would like to know the person who gave me the money and they should be punished for going around targeting and setting up people. As soon as I woke up and saw that this happened I reported it immediately and was told to make a forum. I do not want the money, did not ask for the money, dont know who gave it to me, and was asleep when it happened. It would be really awesome if a player had to accept any money given to them, thank you so much for your time. I included a SS of the money I had when I went to sleep and then when I woke up I added a SS of how much I had when I woke up. Please fix this thank you.
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