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William Dalson

Jun 23, 2023
Name: William Dalson
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Race: Normal
Nationality: Syria
Place of Birth: Syriya
Sexuality: Normal
Weight: 81
Height: 185
Eye colour: brown
Hair colour: Black
Tattoos: on his left and right hand
Strengths: Smart , Skills With Guns , Skills With Drive
Weakness: Calm , Big Hear;

Life Story: 200-300 words
In the coastal town of Sandy Shores, William was born in 2004 with aspirations that stretched beyond the horizon of his humble beginnings. From a young age, he harbored dreams of becoming an officer, inspired by the stories of bravery and justice that echoed through his small community. However, reality proved harsher than his dreams. Despite his dedication and hard work, William was met with indifference and disdain from his peers and superiors alike. His efforts seemed to go unnoticed, his ambitions mocked by those who saw him as nothing more than a naive dreamer.

Frustrated and disillusioned, William found himself at a crossroads. The desire for respect gnawed at him, pushing him toward a path he had never envisioned—into the shadows of the criminal underworld. It was there, among the murky alleys and clandestine dealings, that William began to craft a new identity for himself. He learned quickly, adapting to the harsh realities of life outside the law. In this world, respect was earned through strength and cunning, qualities William possessed in abundance.

As he rose through the ranks, William's reputation preceded him. His name became synonymous with fear and admiration, whispered in awe by those who dared to cross him. Yet amidst the chaos and danger, a transformation was taking place within him. The respect he sought no longer stemmed from fear alone but from a newfound sense of self-worth and accomplishment. He realized that true respect could not be forced or stolen—it had to be earned, not just from others but from within.

Years passed, and William became a formidable figure in Sandy Shores, a man whose name commanded respect and whose presence demanded attention. But deep down, he knew that his journey was not just about gaining respect from others—it was about reclaiming the dignity and honor that had been denied to him in his previous life. In the twilight of his existence, William stood as a testament to the power of resilience and reinvention, a living legend in a town where dreams were often overshadowed by harsh realities.

1 - William skill in driving became his defining asset in navigating the dangerous terrain of the criminal world in Sandy Shores. Initially honed during his days as a law enforcement officer, where he patrolled the winding coastal roads with precision and vigilance, William's driving abilities were transformed when he turned to (No UB Driving)

2 - have a skill with Revolve can take headshots and can brig 3 people by himself

3 - William can inject a special serum of truth to obtain information. (Only with /try twice per situation)

4 William also has a 24/7 bodycam due to his cybernetic eye's recording and uploading to his cloud at all times but he has to turn it on every morning. (Will use RP command to turn on)

5 William can break anyone's body cam and smash them up with a memory card. (will use /try to find the bodycam (Twice per situation) and /do to destroy it) (Only with /try twice per situation)

Chanush Movva

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Dec 15, 2022

Outcome 1: No UB Driving for OFF Roading must use OFF Road Cars
Outcome 2: Must Follow Fear RP
Outcome 4: Reject
Outcome 5: Reject

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC
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