Dear Lebron,
About 6 months ago, I received a ban without any reason after a PC check by the admins Lavi Pluxury and Jessica Odds. I did not do anything and did not add any hacking software. Jessica yelled at me while conducting the PC check, inspecting my private messages, files, and photos, finding nothing. Three hours later, Alex Odd issued a permanent ban for me. When I submit a form to the curator of the project, Alex rejects it and deletes the thread so no one can see it. Therefore, I request your fairness and trust in your judgment to vindicate me. I miss playing on the server and miss my friends. My punishment history is not extensive because I'm peaceful and have never been banned before. I do not share my account or use any cheats or hacks. On the contrary, I was a deputy leader on the LifeInvader for 3 months, meaning I enhanced RP.
I have given my best to enhance RP in the game, and when Tommy Gold's leadership term ended, the admins team congratulated both the leader and the deputies. Rest assured that I strive to play in a perfect and lawful manner.
Please Lebron, consider my case.
I'm willing to wipe all my possessions and money, but give me another chance to continue playing on the beautiful server
Thanks in advance
About 6 months ago, I received a ban without any reason after a PC check by the admins Lavi Pluxury and Jessica Odds. I did not do anything and did not add any hacking software. Jessica yelled at me while conducting the PC check, inspecting my private messages, files, and photos, finding nothing. Three hours later, Alex Odd issued a permanent ban for me. When I submit a form to the curator of the project, Alex rejects it and deletes the thread so no one can see it. Therefore, I request your fairness and trust in your judgment to vindicate me. I miss playing on the server and miss my friends. My punishment history is not extensive because I'm peaceful and have never been banned before. I do not share my account or use any cheats or hacks. On the contrary, I was a deputy leader on the LifeInvader for 3 months, meaning I enhanced RP.
I have given my best to enhance RP in the game, and when Tommy Gold's leadership term ended, the admins team congratulated both the leader and the deputies. Rest assured that I strive to play in a perfect and lawful manner.

Please Lebron, consider my case.
I'm willing to wipe all my possessions and money, but give me another chance to continue playing on the beautiful server
Thanks in advance