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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
Your ID
Ryder Murdoce
Players nickname
Alex Odd
Administrators nickname
Alex Odd
Jul 12, 2024
15:35 GMT +2
See previous complaint


Jul 9, 2024

I had recently posted a complaint here Rejected - UB Driving | Spike Hill

The admin has decided to close my complaint with the following reply of ''don't UB drive and u will not get punished for that''

Now the comment provided has clear lack of interest towards resolving a problem that was stated in the thread, and it shows he hasn't even read a single paragraph of what was written, that is quite dissapointing to see as a player. Not even one word of my argument was argued against, and the thread was closed with the initial comment that i opened a complaint against. So i would like to continue my forum complaint by including Alex Odd inside of it as well.

There are quite some issues with the comment Alex provided, and i would like to highlight them;

1) Lack of interest regards resolving the issue
-Clearly, there is a problem present and the admins' comment regards the issue resolves nothing, not even he could provide a simple rule that they consider as rulebreaking in a counter argument as to what i have stated in the previous complaint against the administrator. You are asking me not to break a rule which doesn't exist in the rules section that you have created, so how exactly do you want me to avoid doing things you don't even state as rulebreaking in the game?
-Players are not sufficiently informed of what exactly is rulebreaking and what is not, and punishment without law goes against the very principle of setting said rules, ''Nullum Crimen'' (no crime without law), is the very reasoning every community has written laws present in their own society, be it for real life or in games, and you are dodging the question by being biased as you have not bothered to read my side of the story.

2) Breach of neutrality
-The complaint was posted as a complaint against the administrator, not a help request or an in-game admin message as to say why such an event occured. By closing the complaint and not reading through anything that i mentioned being wrong, you also accused me of doing something i simply didn't do. If you guys aren't going to care about players complaints regards the admins, then why did you guys create this forum section? The answer you have provided is simply too short, and you have unfortunately decided to side with the admin to defend them, and neither have you provided an answer to my argument which proves it right, there is no information present on the website, neither was the punishment issued relevant to the event at hand, or applicable by any means.

3) Unwilling to be cooperative
-So if there was even the slightest insult towards the other admin, or against you here, it's probably guaranteed i would be facing punishment, however i am asking you for something VERY simple. Where is the rule saying that this is against the server rules, with the punishment handed out accordingly? Which you didn't even bother replying to. I also donated to the server because i thought it was worth it, which i kind of regret now since i don't feel like playing anymore. Now i will ask you, can you read through both complaints, then provide me an answer, which isn't biased?

Alex Odd

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
warn for spam in complain section
next time 30 days ban
I clearly told you NO MATTER WHAT IS UR IRL reason u should RESPECT SERVER rules
And you you have not READ SERVER RULES better start read them before asking WHERE IT SAYS that UB drive is not allowed same as other NON RP conduct
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