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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Besho Error
Administrators nickname
Sultan Pluxury
Jul 15, 2024

Besho Error

💀 Leader of the Error Family
Sep 24, 2022
Hello Dear Curator of Project.

I am Besho Error 18252/9234.
have been playing on the EN03 server since four days after it opened. At the beginning of my time on the server, I met new friends and also the Admins . From time to time, we learned the server rules and to respect them

After a long time on the server, almost everyone knows and respects me because of the mutual respect between me and everyone else.

I created a family and started from scratch, from a house worth maybe a million to a house worth 150 million. This wasn't done in one day but over 6 months of developing the family, and we reached the 12th position in the family rankings.

We did not engage in any toxic behavior. I see everyone targeting me, and I do not know the reason for this. When I saw two people targeting me and my family, I filed a report against them, and they received a penalty for this matter (proof

We are an unofficial family due to daily crime, and the police have issues with us
Is this considered toxic
2 -https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/714758/#post-2535786
3- Watch Project 04_06-03-2024_3-19-10-458 | Streamable
4- Watch Project 04_06-03-2024_3-11-13-98 | Streamable

I did not target anyone, nor did I engage in any toxic behavior on the server. I respect everyone. I believe that by now, 90% of the server knows me.

I received a Punishment to remove my family from being unofficial due to a comment on a form where I wrote in the admin format. I did not lie; I did not know that this was completely wrong.
did not see any rule stating this matter, and I was not aware of it. I apologize and I want to be among the top 10 families on the server.

The Senior Creator of Unofficial told me in chat that if I did it again, I would receive a penalty in the game. Indeed, I lost my family being unofficial, and with my communication with the Senior Creator of Unofficial, I cannot be the leader of an unofficial family.

I want one last chance I do not want to lose my family's unofficial status.

The decision is yours.

Thank you.

Besho Error

💀 Leader of the Error Family
Sep 24, 2022
1- It’s something in discord called keybinds u smart ass
2 it’s not even my pov this pov it’s from he’s own people and he get the punishment already let besho to go learn some rules

Dear Curator of the project.
As you can see, this is also evidence that they do not listen to the server rules. He just posted Toxicity in forums
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