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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
67607 I 83364
Players nickname
Barzooka Error
Administrators nickname
Sultan Pluxury
Jul 11, 2024

Barzani Error

Nov 23, 2022
Hello Dear Lebron , i hope u are doing well! i hope u understand my point from this topic

I was Error fam member then i saw alot of ppl didnt knew the rules from them and they are helping alot of blacklisted ppl to avoid blacklist like Smil Matter ( ID: 84804) and the leader and the high commands knew this so i dont like to help ppl like this and i reported him and he got banned

After i left the fam i saw alot of ppl from them doing rule breaks, then i reported them and im not targeting anyone, u can check my past complaints in en2, i dont like to see ppl doing rule breaks and they are not getting punished so im reporting them and if there is anyone in city has the right to make a complaint about anyone in city and the admin has the right to reject or accept the complaint

Also the leader did complaint on my friends before like this so this calling targeting? if the person reported one before then its targeting?

After i left the fam and they saw me reporting them when they did rule breaks the leader hate me and did on me a complaint for targeting on this complaint Reviewed - Targeting & Toxicity | Bad Boys
lets explain every complaint what happened on it
1. Rejected - Mass Rule Break I Error Family they were doing alot of rule breaks in ghetto and i reported them where is the targeting on this?
2. Rejected - Pov req I 8879 he said im targeting his fam member i got killed from someone on his fam by suspect way and from my rights to see how i got killed there is no any targeting
3. Rejected - Pov Req I 0000 same point
4. Rejected - Pov req I 8879 same point
5. Rejected - Doxing I 38797 (twink) 13900 (main) here his fam members were doing doxing on me and i reported them so they wanna do rule breaks without taking punishments? how?
6. Rejected - GR 6.15 + UB Demands I Error Family i was in no mercy fam house and were standing near of them and they gave us ub demands and shot us out of the fam house where is the targeting on this?
7. Rejected - UB Demands + GR 6.15 I 8879 + 24573 here they clearly did rule breaks so i have the right to report them i can't see any targeting on this
8. Reviewed - Mass Rule Break I Error Family here also i can't see any targeting from ID: 318
9. Rejected - Warn for CL | Charles Xaiver here my friend got punished for CL and he doubted there is Gen Rule 6.17 from the leader so he said that on his complaint, where is the targeting on this? also the leader reported my friend why we cannot call this targeting?
10. we never joined Bad Boys fam so idk how he put our ids in this topic

Also u will see his fam members reporting us in admin tickets so why we cannot call this targeting if anyone reporting anyone is targeting?

Also on first i got informed by Mr. Bobby that if we did any targeting we will get punished so i tried to reporting them because of Mr. Bobby said that

And before some days the administrator Abood Ryu did biased admin with the leader of Error fam so we reported them and i got approved by Mr. Adham to make a complaint about the ppl who make rule breaks and here is the link Rejected - Biased Admin I Abood Ryu

Also as can u see in this pov
it was on this complaint Rejected - Mass Rule Break I Error Family
when the leader came with his twink and broke gen rule 3.2 with his twink and came with his twink and said "Hello" in cc which is meaning toxicity and provoking and not respecting his position and deceiving admins by coming with his twink and make rule breaks to didnt get fam warning, and on my complaint he didnt did got any punishment for this and he should get punished for unofficial blacklist as well

So please sir its really unfair punishment to get punishment for this and i did no thing, so please re-consider my situation because i see its unfair punishment

Thank u sir for ur time, have a good day!

Barzani Error

Nov 23, 2022
Sultan Error just focused on my fourms that's are pov req , doing, rdm ,mass rule break and he leave the family bad boys don't get them any thing or review he just mention me iam not involved in any pov just in pov req ,ub demands ,doxin and mass rule break only.
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