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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Captain Electro
Administrators nickname
Bobby Pluxury
Jul 18, 2024

Electro Libe

Jun 2, 2024
Sir i came to get my 60d ban removed last time but you rejected it after that i was bit angry and said some shit in my own private server someone gave it to admins and got me banned on my twink after that i did nothing and accepted that thing
and then randomly my family freinds meet him in ph and a guy named bryson black was provking in cc so they also said like electro , hunters on top things in the ph then he made a forum of provking where u can find all the things he is doing On consideration - Provoking | multiple ids (2331, 94297 , 86743)

Second the id he provided which i made with new social club is 94297 ( you can check its ip and all things i can say 100% its not mine , just give it a ip check and all things )

and then he made a forum in admin complaints section saying to get my id blacklisted and instaly bobby sir replied and blacklisted my id for 1.4/ proviking / tragenting
which i never did you can check all dms provided in On consideration - Provoking | multiple ids (2331, 94297 , 86743) ( also i dont think so that place was right to Complaint about players )
bryson is the guy who is deceving admins with half proofs and all
and i never did break 1.4 nor i did provking nor any kinda of tragenting ( please do ip check and all things you will get to know none of those ids are mine or done by me)

I request you to please make a ip check and all things before taking any decision
the id he mention as mine saying me using different social club

Bobby sir gave me blacklist for mass rule violation/1.4/targeting and provoking!
but in this case that bryson black is targeting me + provking all of my fam members and everytime he makes new forum on me saying thats my new id
i accepted my bans and did nothing but still this guy is behind me as he hates me or something (everyone is targeting me and wants to never play this in project but i will fight for justice)
I please request you to review this
I Already got punished for the abuse i did this blacklist is for no reason ( a cleary case of tragting me) if you check everything from ip to the ids he mentioned and my ip you will get to know
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