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Corrupt Drezy

Apr 5, 2024
Family Name: Corrupt Nation
Family House Number: 1135
Family Owner: Corrupt Drezy | 139060
Family Owner Forum Profile: Corrupt Drezy
Family Owner Discord: drezyofficial

Background story:

Drezy flew into the city of Los Santos with no money in his pocket, no friends and very little guidance to make his way. Upon enduring the blood, sweat and tears of all the tedious jobs and going through all of the trials and tribulations, Drezy realized that he didn't want other people to experience the pain. Its not fun being lonely in the city, Its not fun driving through the ghetto with no backup. There has to be another way. Drezy scrapped up all the money he could and started a family... Corrupt Nation was born.

Drezy knew that he wanted to stand out. The city already has enough families who don't communicate and actually build a strong bond. We are more than a family. Drezy found a few good members and really built a great bond with them. Went above and beyond helping each and every single member have a better understanding of the world in which we live in. Drezy believes that a strong High Command is necessary so that the rest of the pieces can fall together. From there, we have grown to be one of the most organized families in the city. Well behaved and trouble free but cross us the wrong way.... well, I am sure you can fill in the blank..

We are small but a force to be reckoned with however, we are looking to become unofficial so we can grow even stronger and have more of a fighting chance in the city.

Family Goals:

- Become a Top 10 family very quickly.
- Reach 250 active members.
- Own all Family businesses and manage them well.
- Help each new member have a full view of the city and knowledge of what to do.
- Become very respected as well as respecting other families in the city.
- Build more strong alliances.
- Become filthy rich.

Family Ranking System:

(1) Associates: New To the Family: No roles assigned yet, awaiting training and introduction Report to Level 6 and up (Senior Advisors, Chiefs, Directors)
(2) Supervisors: All-arounders: Exploring options, no fixed role yet Report to Level 6 and up (Senior Managers, Senior Advisors, Chiefs, Directors)
(3) Managers: Turfers Report to Chiefs (Turfer Leaders)
(4) Senior Managers: Business People, Sourcing items and making deals for the family. Report to Senior Advisors.
(5) Chiefs: Turfer Leaders: Manage events Reports to Arsenal Director.
(6) Senior Advisors: Report to Business Director. Can also perform the same duties as Directors (rank 7).
(7) Directors - Arsenal, Treasury, Fleet, HR & Business Directors. Members take care of family businesses and help Deputy. Reports to CEO.
(8) CEO: Over see the entire operation of the family. Makes strategic moves and keeps everything operating alongside his Directors and Senior Advisors.

Family Rules:
  • No spamming
  • No trolling other users
  • Do not bully or harm people
  • No racism or sexism is permitted
  • Do not advertise unless you were given permission
  • You must abide by Discord ToS
  • No hacking
  • No doxing or leaking of any kind of personal stuff/information etc
  • No account selling or cracking
  • Swearing is permitted
  • Respect each other
Be Nice No discrimination or harassment toward other users. Harmful Material Do not send or link harmful material such as, but not limited to, text, emojis, malware. Explicit Content Explicit content is prohibited in all channels, usernames, profile pictures, and any text/image visible to others. Staff Decisions All decisions by staff or mods are final. Messaging staff or mods to dispute decisions can result in a ban. Staff and mods reserve the right to use their discretion regardless of any rules.


Corrupt Nation Logo:


Family Uniform:


Del Federal

🎃 Hello Am I Audible !!
Senior Administrator
Dec 19, 2022
Please Tag me at EN-2 chat on Grand RP Discord

Del Federal

🎃 Hello Am I Audible !!
Senior Administrator
Dec 19, 2022
I Accept your Unofficial ORG bio

Thank you for applying,

Enjoy and make sure to not break any server rules, and also do not go against the server script.

You will be given unofficial status within 48 - 72 hours in-game and discord.

Del Federal

🎃 Hello Am I Audible !!
Senior Administrator
Dec 19, 2022
Unofficial ORG Bio Revoked

Leader Got Blacklisted
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