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SignUp Now!let me ask you something, first of all where you placed your solar and do you know it was 1 hr away from being charged. And you guys placed the solar just infront of our family house's garage. Our family members cannot access the family vehicles for that 1 hrs because you the beloved skorpeans and knox were RDM whoever comes to the family house without any warning or without any verbal communications.There was on going solar situation
because one of you guys claimed it that it was your solar lol. you guys killed everyone who said "don't stay near by our solar". so according to NLR we came to family after 15 mins and then you guys shot us without any "verbal communication" and without any warning for reference please check this thread "Pending review - RDM | 119787". and after 1 hr i came to the family house and still the there is a solar situation? lol !!lol, who told u my fam member placed there solar. and the fight was invited by u. we didn't event wanted to collect solar.
look my fam member told me that u guys telling them to don't stay near by your solar.
Then you hear the Warning just 5,4,3 then she start shooting.first time
this is the first time you guys shot us without any warning or verbal communication and same happened three times
That's not the right place to plant your solar panel. Your intention is to fight with us, not make a battery from that solar panel. As an unofficial organization leader, you know what kind of rule breaks this; don't repeat this again. Sarthak Skorpean
First of all solar was not planted by us . And if solar was planted by my family I will punish him and kick from my family.
That's not the right place to plant your solar panel. Your intention is to fight with us, not make a battery from that solar panel. As an unofficial organization leader, you know what kind of rule breaks this; don't repeat this again. Sarthak Skorpean.
And u guys are claiming here that u guys are coming again after u got killed. Then no need for demandbecause one of you guys claimed it that it was your solar lol. you guys killed everyone who said "don't stay near by our solar". so according to NLR we came to family after 15 mins and then you guys shot us without any "verbal communication" and without any warning for reference please check this thread "Pending review - RDM | 119787". and after 1 hr i came to the family house and still the there is a solar situation? lol !!
bruh we are going to our family house that is where we take vehicles to travel . can't you understand?And u guys are claiming here that u guys are coming again after u got killed. Then no need for demand
Hence it is proved u guys demanded to leave area and started raidPlayer id .119787 told solour is your familysolar