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Apr 18, 2024
Organization: FIB
Name: Rio Jodd
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Nationality: India
Place of Birth: India
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: black
Hair color: brown
Tattoos: all over the body except head
Strengths : patience , good driving skills , good in debate
Weakness: procrastinator

Life Story:
Rio was born into an extremely impoverished household in India. His mother passed away from starvation when he was just five years old, and he was raised in a slum. His father was a drunkard who gave him random beatings. He frequently went without food because there wasn't nearly enough for him to consume. After experiencing severe trauma and developing mental instability, he made the decision to leave his home. He began working as a dishwasher at a hotel, and he enjoyed the position. He was once abruptly abducted by a few gang members as he was leaving for work at night. They offer Rio to join their gang as a sign of kindness after learning that he is an orphan.He accepted the offer and received money, a comfortable place to stay, and many other necessities in return. He was heavily involved in criminal activity. He traveled to Los Santos for his assignment, and while there, he met a few new gang members and criminals.

Career Story

Rio was apprehended by LSPD officers during a bank heist one day. Because he was underage, he only received a 10-year prison sentence. He also came to the realization that he was living his life incorrectly. He began working on himself while incarcerated, studied a variety of books, and spent the bulk of his time observing police officers to gain insight into their duties. Rio once helped an officer who was having problems investigating a case. This was incredibly beneficial to them, and the warden decided to expunge Rio's criminal record and accept him into the LSPD because he knew Rio was an orphan and that everything he did was motivated by influence.
Rio, at the age of 29, rose to the position of Head of the LSPD Investigation Bureau via hard work and dedication. In the end, the Federal Bureau of Investigation hired him. He was aware that this was his opportunity to truly change the world. After a few years of diligent labor to penetrate and dismantle criminal organizations, he joined the covert unit and rose to the position of Head of cover. Even though he was poor and wanted other things, he chose to engage in corruption rather than rejoining a gang after developing his career successfully. This will also enable him to obtain information from criminals and gangs in his department by dealing in money and illicit goods. He is still a good man; he has simply gone corrupt for the benefit of criminals.


1. Rio can take bribes (up to100k and ask for guns/ammo/illegal stuff as bribe).
2. Rio can torture/interrogate for information and use truth serum (/try uses truth serum twice per situation ).
3. Rio can engage in any type of criminal activities with his family members and his friends.
4.Rio can search suspects and leos for their bodycams, and destroy them. ( using /try 2 tries per situation and /do to break )
5. Rio can remove change suspects prison sentence and give less or more fines.
6. Rio can break any laws ( only IC laws )
7. Rio can lie to suspects about calling a lawyer, reject their request and refuse to show any type of ID.
8. Rio can arrest anyone he feels annoyed or finds any violations in the law. ( with an IC reason )
9. Rio can manipulate state data bases in order to delete or create information.
10. Rio is able to talk to gang / crime family members in order to get evidence from them, as well as fabricate evidences.
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