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Nov 10, 2023


1. Your name IRL: Khaled Hassan

2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+2
4. Average online per day: 6-7hr
5. Your Discord: khaled5600.
6. Your Nickname: Khaled Verlice

7. Your ID: 59513

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

I want to be a leader because I have a lot of experience and I have a leadership spirit in the LSPD because I work a lot in the LSPD and I was an assistant leader and I was learning and controlling the events and I like to be the leader of the convoy in every event

The second thing is that I can solve any problem, for example, any problem between the LSPD and any other org or between the LSPD Units, and I like everything to be correct and without any errors.

I know how to make sure that the LSPD units do not make any mistakes and that everything is going right. I do not like joking a lot in the Org. I like everything to be correct and without any mistakes. If anyone makes a mistake, he will be held accountable for it and it is impossible for him to repeat it again.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

There should be more strict rule of leaving the RP situations. Some of the officers leave the RP when they got caught by gang members. So this things should be stopped by making more strict rules.

When there is a global and the other departments are calling for help, in SAHP even if they have enough units to respond some of the officers refuse to respond it. So it should be stopped and if they didn't respond, they have to give valid reason for not responding and if they fail to give they will get a warning.

info About Me and My EXP

Departments in my leadership

Human Resources:

HR will be essential from day one. No one will be hired without HR's approval, regardless of rank. HR will handle interviews, experience checks, onboarding, log creation, and training. They will ensure employee well-being and manage promotions based on performance and dedication.

Internal Affairs:

Integrity is crucial. Internal Affairs will conduct background checks, audit logs and activities twice a week, and ensure all licenses and health insurances are up to date. They will also perform trunk inspections and bodycam checks to prevent illegal activities and corruption, safeguarding the organization’s reputation.

Public Relations:

Public support is vital. The PR department will organize promotional events, run crime awareness campaigns, and collaborate with Life Invader media to enhance LSPD’s public image.


SWAT will consist of trusted individuals who will respond first to each robbery and event.

All LSPD members will carry out their duties with honor, courage, and respect for all citizens. They will demonstrate uncompromising honesty, ethics, and trustworthiness. High accountability standards will be maintained, and continuous training will be provided to better serve the public.

My Chain Of Command
30: Chief of Police
29: Deputy Chief of police
28: Comissioner (Curator of Department)
27: Chief Of Staff
26: Head of Department
25:Deputy Head of Department
--------------------------------------------------------- (High Command)
24: Special Task Force
23: Supervisor
22: Detective III
21: Detective II
20: Detectice I
19: Master Sergent
18: Sergent II
17: Sergent I
16: Master Corporal
15: Corporal II
14: Corporal I
13. Master Officer III
12: Master Officer II
11: Master Officer
10: Patrol Officer III
9: Patrol Officer II
8: Patrol Officer I
7: Towing Officer
6: Towie Trainee
5: Rookie
3: Cadet
2: LOA

1: Suspended

thanks For reading My Application ☺

Note: My Age Proof Will Be send In you Discord ( DM )

Arj Pluxury

"Be afraid if i took a complaint against you"
Server Administrator
Nov 15, 2021

Put time and effort on making your own application without copy pasting from others.​
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