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Jan 7, 2024
Name: Ganguly Zero
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: India
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Red
Hair color: black
Tattoos: left hand, right hand, neck, torso, left foot, right foot
Strengths: Calm, Fast Learner, Good Leader Skills
Weakness: Lack of Patience and short tempered

Life Story : Ganguly Zero's story is a compelling tale of transformation and dedication, set against the backdrop of Mumbai's vibrant streets and the evolving landscape of law enforcement. Born in Mumbai, Ganguly showed an early fascination with technology and systems. His keen interest soon turned to the intricate world of cybersecurity, but his path took an unexpected turn when he decided to channel his talents into serving his community as a police officer. At the age of 16, Ganguly's natural aptitude for understanding complex systems caught the attention of local authorities. Recognizing his potential, they encouraged him to use his skills for a greater purpose—helping to address cybercrime. By the time he was 18, Ganguly had joined the Mumbai Police Force as a junior investigator, leveraging his technical expertise to combat rising cyber threats. His rapid rise through the ranks was marked by his innovative approaches to digital forensics and cyber investigations. His move to Bengaluru at 21 marked a pivotal moment in his career. The city, known for its tech-driven advancements and sophisticated cyber infrastructure, presented new challenges and opportunities. Here, Ganguly took on a key role within the Bengaluru Police Department, where he became instrumental in developing and implementing cutting-edge cybersecurity protocols. His work significantly enhanced the department’s ability to tackle digital crimes, protect sensitive data, and ensure the safety of citizens in the digital realm. His story, from the bustling streets of Mumbai to a pivotal role in Bengaluru’s police force, reflects not only his relentless pursuit of excellence but also his deep commitment to improving public safety and advancing the future of law enforcement. Ganguly Zero's journey is a testament to how a blend of passion, innovation, and community service can create a profound impact on society.

Career Story :
As Ganguly Zero's career advanced, he began facing ethical challenges. Disillusioned with the constraints of the corporate world and craving more power and influence, he made a drastic choice. He left his promising career in cybersecurity and dove into the underground world of cybercrime. This risky move gave him access to illegal networks, where he used his skills for activities that crossed legal boundaries. Initially, Ganguly focused on cybercrime, exploiting his expertise for illicit purposes. But over time, his criminal activities grew more serious. He became involved with organized crime syndicates, branching out into corruption and illegal deals. This shift from a bright future in cybersecurity to the darker side of crime marked a dramatic change in his career. The ethical compromises and criminal actions eventually overshadowed his earlier accomplishments and tarnished his once-promising reputation. As Ganguly's criminal activities intensified, his life began to unravel. The thrill of power and the allure of easy money came at a steep price. He found himself entangled in a web of deceit and danger, with law enforcement closing in on his illicit operations. The skills and knowledge that once promised a bright future now contributed to his downfall. The very networks that had provided him with opportunities also became the source of his increasing paranoia and isolation. As his criminal empire grew, so did the risks, leading to a dramatic decline from his earlier days of innovation and success.


1. Ganguly can engage in any criminal activities with his friends and family
2. Ganguly is able to attempt to search for a bodycam (/try searches for bodycam) up to twice per situation, and if found, break it (/do breaks bodycam).
3. Ganguly can carry and use illegal items and weapons, he can also sell and buy illegal items from other people or the black market (except organization weapons and items)
4.Ganguly can let suspects go free if they're in his family or his friends and can also aid them in escaping.
5. Ganguly can disobey and break firearm law and all IC laws made by the government
6. Ganguly can enter ghetto while off duty and engage in fights there without any OOC rule break.
7. Ganguly may sell classified information to gang members through his connections in gangs in his past experiences(Max 100k or equivalent in weaponry).
8. Ganguly can remove criminals from the wanted list and wipe their criminal record;
9: Due to money problems Ganguly can take Bribe up to 100k, he can also take the weapons from the 10-15 while arresting or releasing them (but cannot force)
10: Ganguly can lie about calling a lawyer and refuse to provide any kind of identification.
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