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habibi vella

Sep 3, 2023

1. Your name IRL Raghav

2. Your age17

3. Time zone ist

4. Average online per day 3 to 5 hr but active on discord 24x7

5. Your Discord darkskullgm

6. Your Nickname habibi vella

7. Your ID 43029

Additional information

1. Leader of lspd

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

First of alll i want to become leader of lspd for the following reasons

  1. I think that i have learned everything which is necessary for getting the leadership i know all things about how to handles situations
  2. my past experience can help me in making this a successful term by the following things first of all i will make all the necessary things such as rooster and joining form i have a full team for each and every department so i will to be most active
  3. The last thing for the reason i wanna become lspd leader is that i would start a new system and my term would have a hr every time there would be not complaining about that there is no hr and my swat dept would be active and ranks would be given on activity basis
3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization

It would be implementing a new ranking system a new system for joining having regular meetings with state organisations and to make rp on a next leavel

Thanks for reading my application

And my past exp as top rank in each organisation are

Lspd 28x

Sahp 28x

Ng 28x

Jack Verlice

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Sep 16, 2023

Learn about server rules, server functions and spend more time in the server as a player to learn all things in the server before applying to become a leader.​
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