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Approved Leader of Los Santos Police Department I Gustav Hill

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Gustav Hill

Jun 23, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Raul Mühl
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: GMT+2, Spain
4. Average online per day: 4-8
5. Your Discord: r.c1rf
6. Your Nickname: Gustav Hill
7. Your ID: 344044

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
(List three reasons with an explanation)

2.1) LSPD for me was the starting organization that I joined, like it is for most new incomers to the city. There are multiple reasons why new people join the Los Santos Police Department, one of them being that it prepares you in many different ways. One of them being in general City rules and a deeper understanding of how the city works. But some people also join to meet new people and to create first contacts in the City. LSPD tends to hire the best leaders that can create a healthy environment for new citizen's while also pushing these new citizens to higher limits of expectations within the city, making them better overall but also find their talent with the help of the variety of all existing departments. The reason I'd like to take the next term in LSPD is to keep the tradition of great officers, along with the best RP scenarios and to keep the great work. Especially what I want to achieve is to create a type of family environment, like it has been done in the prior Terms such as in Lucas and Sergios Terms. Improving the working standards and conditions and keeping the fun part of LSPD while fighting against crime in the city is very important to keep your units hard working and dedicated. Me personally I have learnt the most in the last 4 terms, although they weren’t my first one, only thanks to the leaders and high commands being fully passionate of what they were doing and being ready to teach all their skills and experiences to the newer Units. Thanks to them I became the person I am today utilizing all their tips and ideas throughout the journey as an Officer in the LSPD. Key points were always professionalism, respecting our superiors and trusting them with their decisions and actions, and focus based trainings in all the different departments. This focus allowed me to enjoy LSPD while always having a family environment within the org to allow a professional but fun atmosphere.

2.2) Over the past 5 terms that I have been a part of it has allowed to me to learn from the best but also shown me ways on how to improve LSPD as well. Not just being in LSPD but also had the opportunity to experience orgs such as NG and SAHP. With every org and term, I have experienced, I always had a new way of thinking and a new outlook on different tasks. It gave me new ideas on how to improve certain aspects but also gave me a deeper look of what was going great and what should’ve been improved. My goal in LSPD is to strive for greatness and continue to be the best and most reliable organization within the city. One of my main goals is to have less mistakes, to prevent cases and punishments. This can only be done if everyone works together as a Team ensuring everyone sticks together, especially helping each other out if someone struggles. Teamwork is by far the most important in the LSPD, including trust. Mistakes can always happen and that’s how we learn in most times, but with the right team and proper training the success rate will be much higher for successful terms. High commands also play a crucial role in an org, finding the right mix between new high commands and getting them fully trained and prepared, but also having very experienced high commands who can actively participate in more detailed tasks when help is needed. Especially can newer high commands learn from them and have a sense of role model within the org Its very important that’s the higher people in the org, not just high commands always act like a role model to other units and to make them work hard and dedicated in order to achieve their goals within the org. Motivation and fear treatment is the key aspect here, to make other Units respect you and stay loyal to the Team. Furthermore, LSPD teaches all the useful skills an officer needs to know to eventually become a great leader too or be a high skilled individual in different aspects, creating not only a better reputation for the person itself, but also to LSPD as a whole
2.3) One of the last reasons I'd like to become the next leader of LSPD is to keep the great work still up, which already has been started in the previous term, such as in Sergios. Many people want to keep on working what they build up over the last few terms. I am confident that many of them are 100% eligible in the future to become one of the greatest in the city, and I want to ensure that they get their last steps done properly and to not miss out on anything, making it possible for them to keep on working hard and to achieve all their goals in our department. I was in SAHP and NG for a short stint but other than then that I have been in LSPD.
Specifically, I have been a high command within the S.W.A.T. Thanks to the great leaders I had within SWAT, they taught me crucial skills, such as Leadership skills in practical situation such as robberies and hostages, but also improving my Teamwork skills, as I noticed that everyone is even stronger with the help and support of others. Leading these types of missions, allowed me to get to know many people from other orgs, making different orgs work with each other and to collaborate with them to protect the city even better. Especially is the respect between orgs and people the most important at the end of the day, as only respect can lead to someone’s success. Having that as the front line for everyone officer, I am confident that great things will be achieved.

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.

The next way we would create more Rp within LSPD is by interacting with other organizations. The way we would interact with other orgs is with respect and professionalism. This would allow us to collaborate for swat trainings with NG, Checkpoints to be hosted with all departments including EMS, and the IB department to learn and perfect their skills with FIB when searching for wanted criminals. Working with new people and knowing how to handle different situations and sometime improvise, makes every unit to a better one teaching them other skills and having a better image on how other orgs or Units do certain stuff, is very important for everyone in order to gather more experience.
Another key factor is the importance of New commers in the org, as they are the bright future for the org. Making sure they are getting properly trained and taught, while also making it fun for them is very important. Teaching them all things is crucial, not just their department work, but also overall everyday tasks. What I really liked from Lucas Term, was that Units were getting tasks appointed from a whole variation. Giving units specific tasks and switching them up with different partners too, is beneficial to improve teamwork within the LSPD, forcing people in a fun way to create new contacts, and not just always patrol with the same people. This can also be improved with the PR department, who could create special Internals events to improve friendship between officers and to make them hopefully stay friends or in contact even after the term has ended, creating as mentioned early a family environment. Switching up shifts in tasks such as towing can lead to making towing more attractive for Units and to make it to a standardized level, such is patrolling.
In events such as Hostage situation, suicide calls or just in general 911 calls by civilians, I feel like Units don’t put as much importance and attention on attending them fats and one time, as every second could safe someone life and deescalate a situation on time. Using departments and communicate with other Orgs is crucial to take control of situations even faster. Also changing up the procedure of negotiating can add new RP ways, or when a location is packed or busy, this can be changed as every officers also sets priority over their own life. Also making sure that Units understand which situation and missions take priority from each other is very important and needs to be taught to them. With the help of fair bonuses and great awards such as Employee of the week, or even best Units within the department can improve dedications and motivation from each Unit. Also improving the RP level in promotion ceremonies can be helpful to improve activity, letting Units talk in promo ceremony and let them publicly speak in front of everyone about things they liked and disliked from each week, and also create e.g. a Airborne Shows with helicopters, as an introduction to show what department has learnt over the week and to attract new members into their department.


1. Internal Affairs
Internal Affairs is a focal point in a strong term within LSPD. IA will ensure officers are held accountable for miscues when they are on duty no matter how small they may seem the mistake is. This will allow for accountability of all actions and create strong officers who are willing to work on their mistakes so they can be great officers and even better leaders. This department will consist of veterans of LSPD along with highly trained and professional District Attorneys to also help our department to carry our punishments of officers in question. IA will make sure to do at least two body cam checks a week to ensure to be prepared from GOV inspections and to make sure everyone has proper bodycam if a 10-15 request a lawyer or if actions at events need to be checked. Log checks and license checks will be held weekly to ensure compliance with all state laws as well and make sure our officers are not being corrupt in any way or stealing from the org. IA will have a specific uniform to ensure they are recognized for their hard work and dedication to keeping LSPD in line. They will also keep track of an IA watchlist, to prevent any mistakes by officers and especially to identify them beforehand, until it gets a bigger issue.

2. Humas Resources and Training
HRT is a very vital component to keep the LSPD engine running strong. HR is the key to a successful term or terms over a long period of time, as the Cadets and Rookies are all the future for LSPD, and without them LSPD wouldn’t be progressing in a positive way. HRT will teach IC rules along with teaching OOC rules to ensure there are no org warnings or punishments for officers. Not every Rookie can be fully controlled, but I would like to ensure they were trained correctly from the start, without having any gaps, which could impact them negatively in the future.. This will allow professionalism in front of other organizations and cause them to be held to a higher standard as well. Another thing we could improve is our relationship with LI as they can live broadcast for recruitment other than just using the state wave to do so. Also changing the location of open rec. could benefit in different ways, as more people could pass by and might want to get more information about us. Locations such as in front of the capitol building could be useful.

3. Special Weapons and Tactics
S.W.A.T. is one of the fast-responding departments and has been the best in the last few terms and my most favorite of all. Constant practical and theoretical training is very important to ensure a good working environment within the SWAT department. Communications skills needs to be trained in daily basis to improve the response time in situations and especially the time to create tactics and plana. We are going to arrange weekly training with NG, FIB and SAHP to do skills trainings, such as using the shooting range, the training fields at NG but also go to areas outside the city, and to real hostage scenarios. Training will not be the standard of arena training, as you only benefit from the aiming, but that’s not everything in SWAT. Doing real life training where we are going to pick a spot, collaborate with EMS, and make sure the area is clear, so no one harmed in crossfire then do 5v5, fake hostage situations including a department to add collaboration with responsiveness with other orgs to allow for proper training or everyone. This also gives the opportunity for LSPD units to join SWAT and to have a better look and understanding of how SWAT works, and to get first impressions. Divisions such as Airborne and Strike Force are very helpful to improve tactics and the RP overall within SWAT, as e.g the Buzzard will be only used by trained and professional Units in the Airborne, to prevent complications in store robberies and to ensure the safety of all other Units in their surroundings. Using best positions for flanking Teams and create special Sniper Teams who would eliminate enemies from distance to keep them distracted.

4. Public Relations (PR)
is a department that needs to be active each day. Not just organizing Events, but there is so much more which the department could be planning too. Events such as ride along with civilians can improve RP and would also refine the reputation of LSPD in its whole. PR is a key component to giving the public eye a good look on LSPD other than just seeing us just wanting to arrest people but also allowing to have events for the public and officers to have fun. PRs focus will be to host 25 events in 30 days to create a fun environment for the public, while also allowing for new citizens to witness how fun and great LSPD can be. PR can also organize Internal Events, just within the LSPD community, to also ensure that all our Officers have also a fun time at their hard-working shifts. It’s important to ensure that all our employees feel well treated and enjoy every single minute in their job.

5. Traffic Enforcement
Traffic Enforcement will be a crucial point in LSPD again! The main goal for this department will be for each officer STF and down to achieve at least 15 tows a week. This is easily possible, as normally every Officer should be towing 5 or more cars a day. It’s important to be switching towing shifts, so everyone has the same amount of work to do and is treated fairly. This would make them also make them eligible for bonuses and promotions. Towing is very important in the city to create less accidents and to create more space in hotspots such as PH, BM, Beach market. To keep these hotspots, clean for civilians, TE can conduct Tow Raids on a daily base. This would also improve the efficiency of the department, and it can also be beneficial for new Units that aren’t fully confident yet, as they can get faster instructions and feedback. clean streets also allow for LSPD and all other orgs to travel freely while trying to catch suspects instead of worrying about hitting another vehicle in middle of the street. Radars are also very important to make sure everyone follows the traffic codes and especially to not speed in the city, as many people get their car broken, damage their engine or lose their lives due to people speeding without taking car of others.
Checkpoints will be conducted also by TE everyday 1 or 2 times, depending on the situations in the city and the time we have. Using all different type of barricades can improve Rp, instead of just using the same barricades. Using radars in front of the Checkpoint can also be useful to catch suspects already beforehand.

6. IB (Investigation Bureau)
This division will focus on gathering intel and evidence on criminals when attending events. These units will be investigating and able to collab with FIB to catch wanted criminals with the streets of Los Santos. This division will be focusing on criminal activity on a bigger scale, as they can gather information on and off duty and use this to prevent crimes and illegal activity in the city. This department will be able to seek out potential evidence that may help gain advantages on criminals and allow for more arrest and seizures of illegal items within the city. IB will also be starting to work together more often with SWAT, in order to get support in high staked missions, such as when they are looking for cannabis or wanted criminals, IB and SWAT could take advantage from each other, IB benefiting from the use of special weaponry, and SWAT having Units for them doing the investigation work and them staying unrecognized and being able to interact in the right second to detain everyone and to control the situation with armored vehicles.

Rank System within LSPD
Chief of Police
Deputy Chief of Police
Chief of Staff
Special Task Force (STF)
Assistant Supervisor
Deputy Commissioner
Sergeant Major
Staff Sergeant
Lead Inspector
Corporal 3
Corporal 2
Corporal 1
Master Officer 3
Master Officer 2
Master Officer 1
Senior Officer 3
Senior Officer 2
Senior Officer 1
Patrol Officer 3
Patrol Officer 2
Patrol Officer 1
Probation Officer
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