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jaden russso

Sep 16, 2023
  1. Your name IRL | Christian
  2. Your age | 16
  3. Time zone | EST
  4. Average online per day | between 4 to 8 in the week and 10 to 16 in the week
  5. Your Discord | kingjaden
  6. Your Nickname |Jaden
  7. Your ID | 46944
Additional information
  1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department

  1. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I have a lot of experience being in LSPD. I was deputy chief of police before and I have grown into the organization a lot. I have been deputy of NG before as well, which is a completely different type of organization, however it shows I have the skills required to properly lead an organization to success. I have listed my three reasons to choose for LSPD:
  • I want to build the organization to grow even better than it currently is.
I think there is still space for improvement. I have seen amazing things in LSPD but also noticed there are things missing. When I get leadership of LSPD I will make sure to recruit non-stop for skilled police officers. Of course, I won’t be able to do this on my own, therefore I will select people with good communication and training skills as my High Command. I will provide them with selection criteria and with a training that is made to learn on the job, as the job within LSPD is all about practical thinking and thinking in solutions rather than problems. I will select based on the qualities someone has.

  • I will also set a strict policy where it comes to professional behavior of the LSPD. During my time as Deputy chief of police I tried a code of conduct this will be further improved by setting up documents that specify which role in the LSPD has which permissions and a document that describes what kind of organization we want to be and what standards our officers have to comply to. These documents will also make clear to everyone what they can expect if it comes to growing in the organization, currently our officers get promoted whenever HC feels like it and not based on documentation or proven skills. I will make a major change in this by providing guidelines which are to be followed when it comes to ranking. LSPD is the organization that is able to improve on all these points.

  • When I get leadership my third, but for sure not final change, will be the communications. I will setup a proper communication system within the LSPD and will enforce this strictly. The communication systems currently are being used wrongfully all the time. Some officers simply don’t have their radios on or are being unclear over the radios. This will be improved in their initial training as well as during mandatory trainings setup over the time of the term.
Last but not least I want to make it clear that all these points cannot be achieved without a proper team working besides me as a leader. High Command with the proper communication and leadership skills is crucial to accomplish this.
  1. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in the organization.

    I have many ideas on changing and improving roleplay within the organization. With these changes I will not just improve the roleplay in the LSPD itself, but also for the entire Grand Community. Here are three examples:
    Proper procedures
    I will make our officers follow proper procedures when, for example, arresting someone. The LSPD contains holding cells, an interrogation room and the ability to get someone’s mugshot. I will implement these features to be actually used before arresting the criminals of Los Santos. I will also make sure to maintain a healthy relationship with the government, with this we will be able to have more realistic court cases against the most wanted criminals of Los Santos. Making this change will cause a more realistic roleplay experience for the entire Grand Community.
    • Appropriate divisions
Currently the LSPD has five divisions (FTO,Pe , SWAT, IA and UC). I have noticed that there is a lot of confusion about the tasks of the different divisions. I will implement an exact description of the tasks per division. I will make sure everyone gets their roles and that missions will require teamwork to accomplish them. All the new procedures will be transparent and overlooked by a professional Internal Affairs department.

    • Ranking
Currently LSPD has a ranking system partially based on roles within the organization and partially based on regular ranks. To create better RP I will change the ranking system to be regular ranks. This means officers could have the rank of Sergeant, but work for two different divisions. They are both Sergeants and are both equal, however they have different tasks. This will not be noticed based on the ranks anymore. This will be purely based on the real deal.

      LSPD Deputy Chief of Police National Guard LT Generalx3 Deputy Governor DOJ Supreme Court Justicex6


Arj Pluxury

"Be afraid if i took a complaint against you"
Server Administrator
Nov 15, 2021

Answer already given multiple times, make your own application without copy pasting from your old/other people applications

You can apply again next term
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