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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Mar 27, 2023


Jul 30, 2024
Dear Mazhor

Today I will tell you what Grand RP brought me and why I was banned, I believe you will understand me and this misunderstanding that happened 1.5 year ago will be solved

You may think that I started this Project about 2.5 years ago because of my identity, but this is wrong, this summer I started to pay all my attention to the game, thanks to this project I made very close friends in a few days and they are very valuable to me, I have been away from them for 1 year and this makes them and me very sad.🥺

In early 2023, we decided to start a family with these friends of mine and 6 of us worked hard for 2-3 months to build the Sarsılmaz family and we spent all our time and money for this family and when the family was established, these 6 people had about 100k money left in their pockets. In those days there was a big earthquake in Turkey (February 6) and the whole country including me was very sad and exhausted at that time, playing Grand RP with my friends made us feel very good and I thank you very much for that. Also, thank you very much for supporting us by stopping house payments during the earthquake.🙏

Now I will explain why you misunderstood me, about 1 year ago I made an edit of a video of me killing enemies in events and uploaded it to YouTube and then I was banned from promoting cheats because of this video but my intention was never to praise cheating, if someone really wanted to do that they would have shown cheating in the video but there is no such thing, it's just a normal edited video.
If you want more proof I would like to offer the following If you look at my admin ticket logs I have always complained about cheaters Why would someone who promotes cheating do that because I didn't promote cheating and it makes me very sad to be called like that I am not a cheater

I only ask you for 1 chance, Unban me from my friends and from this most beautiful RP server in the world, it makes me very sad, please unban me Mr. Mazhor, I didn't disrespect you and all other administrators, I always recommended this project to all my other friends, I will be very happy if you unban me, but if you can't do that, I want to continue with a new social club Mr. Mazhor🙏

My wish for the new year was to be unblocked please fulfill this wish I realized my mistake please sir I want to play Grand RP with my friends in the new year 🙏

I would also like to share with you an edit I made from my beautiful memories during my Grand RP adventure
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