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jaden russso

Sep 16, 2023
RL NAME- Christian
2. MY AGE- 16
4. AVERAGE TIME ONLINE DAILY- 4 to 5 hours in week 13 to 17 hours on the weekend
5. MY DISCORD- Kingjaden
6. MY NICKNAME - Jaden
7. MY ID 46944

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)?

I've been a deputy in a bunch o top-tier gangs, basically setting the standard for gang on en1and en2. Over the last two years, I've put in a ton of time with gang activities. . My history shows I'm good at leading gangs. I've run gangs for two terms as deputy of Vagos in en2 and en3 and deputy of bunta

2. Innovative RP Contribution:

As a leader, I wanna bring some new types of RP and spice things up in en3. With all the stuff I've been through, I've got a pretty good grasp of what works and what doesn't. I've got a bunch of good people on my team, not just my family, who are all on board with making RP beter. we will come together and come up with new ways of RPing with in the servers rules and outlined boundary's , shaking up how our gang holds its self and making things more exciting for everyone involved.

3. Unparalleled Event Knowledge:

My comprehensive knowledge of gang events and effective strategies sets me apart. I've devised successful tactics for every type of gang-related event, ensuring a fun experience for all participants while adhering to the server's rules and guidelines.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1. Deprioritizing Turf Control:

While turfs can be enjoyable, they won't be the primary focus of my leadership. Instead, my gang's main objectives will be fostering strong OOC relationships and ensuring positive IC interactions for everyone.

2. Diversifying Criminal Activities:

My approach will not solely revolve around terrorist activities. Overemphasizing terrorism can limit RP opportunities and exclude engaging activities that create enjoyable experiences for LEO's

3 Prioritizing Fun and Enjoyment:

Every gang member should have fun with their time within the gang. We'll prioritize making gang events and meetings enjoyable for all members having events and going to enchasments and those small events and I will always try to get my people out of jail no matter who

4. Balanced Inter-Gang Relations:

To prevent one gang from dominating the ghetto, I'll encourage friendly "wars" and friendly competition among gangs. This approach fosters engaging gunfights and non-toxic conflicts, ensuring that gangs continuously have exciting challenges and competitors at various levels.

I will include this just to make sure no one is confused about it

14. Deputy
12.Event Leader
10. OG
9. Graffiti Leader
8. Graffitist
7. General
6 Clapper.
5. Gangster
4. Hitman
3. Shooter
2. Brudda

My Experiences
Ex Vagos deputy x2
EX Bunta Deputy
Ex NG LT General
EX Deputy Governor
EX Deputy chief of police
With those experiences in am able to know how to navigate and easily clap the state organizations
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