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Legion Cubb

Jul 11, 2023
Organization: SAHP

Name: Legion Cubb
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: United States
Sexuality: Bisexual
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Tattoos: Torso, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg, back.
Strengths: Great leadership, Persistent, Good problem solver
Weakness: Can get carried away, improvises a lot

Life Story
Legion was born in Raliegh North Carolina in a military hospital. His mom would always watch police shows so since he could talk Legion has always wanted to be a cop. With Legion's father always being deployed from the military he had a way better connection with him mother then he did with his father and this caused some problems. When his dad would come home from deployment he would always be drinking and because of this he would abuse Legion's mother and Legion himself. One time when his dad was drunk Legion tried to defend himself with a kitchen knife causing Legion's father to take the knife and stab Legion with it. Legion was rushed to the hospital by his mother where Legion was in critical condition. Legion almost died that knife by bleeding out but he thankfully made a full recovery. After this incident Legion and his mother went into hiding from his father. Because of going into hiding Legion and his mother moved across to the country and ended up in San Andreas for a hopefully better life. Legion and his mother were able to start a new life in San Andreas by joining a welcoming family known as Calipso. All though they got away from North Carolina the haunting memory of what happened still stays with Legion till this day and he became a cop to help make sure that no one else has to go through that.

Career Story
When Legion moved to San Andreas he stayed jobless for a little bit until he first joined LSPD in Tommy Slater's term. In this term this is where Legion learned the laws and how to be a great police officer. Legion was able to pass his training in only one day because of his great ability to adapt and learn quickly. After Tommy Slater's term Legion joined LSPD in Adal Higgens term where he proved him self to the leader so much that Legion was promoted from Patrol Officer II to Field Supervisor which one 1 rank below high command. This promotion that Legion got influenced him to become a better cop and work even harder. After LSPD Legion was spent some time in the Government where he worked himself up to be the Director of USSS for 6 terms through different governors, in Government he proved his great leadership skills and able to control his units with great precision. After Government Legion joined SAHP for both JayJay's term and Willow Blossom terms where he worked himself up to be a Chief of Staff. After SAHP Legion became a Deputy Head of Department in FIB as there FA. With all this expierence in LEOs Legion really saw the what really goes on around the city and saw how these gang members and family members acted. Through all this expierence Legion figured that the only way to really combat the crime in this city is to play a little dirty. He came to this conclusion by knowing that the criminals have access to the laws and how someone has to be arrested so they can easily play around the basic procedures to not end up in jail and not end up facing the consequences of there actions. Because of this Legion decided that this is the only way, he decided that to make the city cleaner he had to get a little dirty.

1- Legion can take bribes. ( up to 100k and illegal items on the suspect )
2- Legion can deny and lie about calling a lawyer and refuse to provide any type of identification.
3- Legion can remove previous reasons for being arrested to get rid of any evidence of Legion's 10-15 being arrested.
4- Legion can sell, buy or use any type of weapons for his personal safety and profit. ( exception: gears from org warehouse)
5- Legion can add false charges to his 10-15 to increase there time in prison and there fines.
6- Legion can break laws to help arrest people and use his position in SAHP (Only IC laws never break OOC laws)
7- Legion can smash and break bodycams (by using /try, 2 times per situation and if he find a bodycam breaks it by using /do breaks bodycam).
8- Legion can break a friend, family, or random person out of jail or detention. (Using the blackmarket job or request through IC methods)
9- Legion can arrest anyone that he wants and can suggest them to give him bribes such as money or their guns to get free. ( with proper RP and IC reason to arrest no MG )
10-Legion can frighten and disrespect anyone as gang members do. (Keeping in mind toxicity, Gen 6.10 and 6.19)
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