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Hexton Merks

Merks, It's who I am and what I do.
Leader of unofficial org
Sep 1, 2022
Merks LOGO

Family name: Merks
Family leader: Hexton Merks | 188039
Leaders forum link: Hexton Merks
Family house number: 1047
Leader discord: cottaging
Family discord owner: Kaisa Merks | 197695

As a young lad growing up in England Hexton didn't exactly have it easy, he grew up watching his peers living a life of crime to make money and just scraping by. Hexton learnt from this and by his teenage years he had picked up a few tips and tricks. He knew that crime paid as long as he wasn't caught and he knew the money that was generated this way, what a life he could live if all activity was done correctly and whilst he watched his peers scrap by to feed addictions, Hexton took his knowledge and grew some what of an empire of crime around England making money and become a name that was feared and he was still only a teenager. Before his 20th birthday Hexton had built an organisation that reached far and beyond anything he had ever dreamed of but he knew he could not run this by himself, this is where his best friend Kaisa came into the picture.
A year later, Hexton had found himself on the most wanted list in England and whilst he knew he had to lay low he had to rely on Kaisa to run the show for a little while for the heat to die off but it never really did. After another year of paranoia and angst Hexton and Kaisa decided along with a few members of his organisation that it was time to quit while ahead. Hexton gathered what wealth he had and created an opportunity to take a boat to Los Santos with the promise of no extradition, a new life and a chance to do it all over again but a little bit different. This time Hexton along with Kaisa and his other members were going to take over the city just like England as loud as possible with no fear and with no repercussions this time Hexton was going to rule the entire city and not just the underground. Present time: Hexton is now once again the head of an organisation a family if you will of trusted friends and new friends are turning up everyday but he only really trusts the members of old. Kaisa is right there with him every step of the way with no question they are brothers and will do what ever is required of him to make sure that everyone in the family is looked after and is respected in the city of Los Santos.

Family goals.
Become more known in the city. The Merks family has always been known but it's time now to push it to the next level. To own businesses and keep on expanding them. Continue to gain respect across the city and keep on growing and gathering famous names and loyal members. To be active and attend all events that are possible. We already attend a lot but we want to attend more and gain more opportunities in the city. To have fun and be inclusive to all members new and old and help in what ever way we can to continue growing the population in our family and in the city. To gain money with the family and give family members more opportuinites to make money and have fun.

Family rules.
1) Toxicity is not acceptable.
2) Follow all rules in the city.
3) Be respectful at all times!
4) Always follow the chain of command!
5) Stealing from the family is prohibited!
6) racism and homophobia is unacceptable.
7) Anti afking is not acceptable and will be reported if caught.
8) All family cars used must be refilled once finished!
9) Work hard for promotions like helping with the family!
10) No rule breaking around the family house. The family house is to be respected by all family members and is used by everyone.

Family ranks:
1. Thug - need to be shown the ropes
2. Gangsta - new to the family but not the city
3. Murderer - know how the family operates fully
4. Serial Killer - do a lot of events such as turfs
5. Jack the Ripper - highly skilled killer in the family,
6. Nobility - HC in Training
7. Royalty - High Command
8. Four Horseman - Leaders of the Family, (Unobtainable unless a position becomes available, only 4 members at one time)
9. Diety - Kaisa Merks (Unobtainable) Co-Owner
10. Diety - Hexton Merks (Unobtainable) Owner

Family outfit


Anderson Fade

May 8, 2023

I accept your unofficial organization biography. Enjoy the game, but do not break any server rules and do not go against scripts.

Contact me on Discord (frostfade.)!

It will take some time to get unofficial ingame and on Discord, please be patient with us. While you wait you can make sure everyone reads the link below:

Rules and Requirements For applying For Unofficial Family

And last but not least check the pinned messages in the Unofficial channel in the Main GRP Discord!​
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