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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
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Mohammed Error
Administrators nickname
Bobby Pluxury
Aug 5, 2024

Mohammed Error

Not Here 👀
Feb 16, 2022
Dear Bobby, I hope u are doing well!
Since Jul 21, 2024 Demons family take the unofficial they started Targeting our family Error 404 and all with proofs.
We want to play and enjoy fun in safety All here in proofs Mass Targeting and Toxic from Family Demons. Also we are Trying to Get top 1 and now we are in Family War and we Are top 8 we are inviting our friends to EN3 to Enjoy with us now This family Demons Trying to Ban us and to blacklist us all that without a reason we was friends in en2 but when they came to en3 they started to Targeting and Toxicing on our Family Members When im with my friends in ghetto they just come and kill me or anyone wearing Error family Clothes then they leave also when we take punishments they start to Toxicity on us in Club Chat.
In the 20 proof he told me that we want to blacklist all our family.

1- This guy ID: 56531 Trying any way to warn our family as you can see multiple complaints with targeting from him.
2- Rejected - provoking | 4744 | 3386 | 50629 | 67607 | 70898

3- Approved - fail rp | 56531 He is SAHP employee and come to ghetto and take my friend with MG from his friends ID 590 , 72773 , 9720 as they was all sitting with each other in email so how ehab know that this guy ID 50629 in ghetto here proof of MG They was All in VC Room ( Targeting Family ) And we see them in the first of the situation till the end here:
4- After this situation we all got surprised by this message from ehab in our emails 1-https://imgur.com/a/oapo0QR#LZe7l9M 2-https://imgur.com/a/9oryhI2#hj5ZhGx Ehab is the guy ID: 56531. ( Targeting Family and Member )

5- The pov of the arrest from ghetto as he is SAHP Cant enter Ghetto :
. ( Targeting Family Member )

6- After every Raid or event they all just Pov req us here as shoot is very clear : Rejected - POV Request | 50629 ( Targeting Family Member )

7- Pov Req From ID: 3878 even the Admin Nato here see the fourm he dont req pov bec the shoot is clear here: Rejected - POV Request | 43357 ( Targeting Family Member )

8- Same ID: 3878 he post on Nato bec he reject the fourm Rejected - Wrong Decision | Nato Here it is so clear he target us at floki ( Targeting Family Member )

9- ID: 52261 Getting shooted by 4 people and he want to know from where he die here: Rejected - POV Request | 50629 Pov Req ( Targeting Family Member )

10- ID: 52261 Targeting whole family bec they kill him puniching in RAID Rejected - Mass Rule Break | Family Error404 ( Targeting Family )

11- ID: 56531 Ehab who start arresting our friend from ghetto by meta gaming decieving admins in this complaint : Reviewed - mass rule break | error404 ( Targeting Family)

12- Approved - VDM | 72402 ( Targeting Family Member )
13- Full Targeting from ID: 9720 this account fourm his ban evading he have 4 : Approved - vdm | 50629 ( Targeting Family Member )

14- ID: 49484 Targeting family and family members multiple times here:

15- Reviewed - G.R 3.1 | 4956 He tried to target 1 from our family and he got the punishment as provoking ( Targeting Family Member )

16- Rejected - provoking | 4744 | 3386 | 50629 | 67607 | 70898 He doesn't stop from the 1st forum got reject he complete spamming and Targeting ( Targeting Family Member )

17- Rejected - Wrong Decision | Paradox Maddy Same he doesn't stop spamming on us Till Mr. Bobby gave him Final Answer. ( Targeting Family Member )

18- ID: 9720 & 25904 Targeting Family Member demanding him with blacklist here : ( Targeting Family Member )

19- ID 9720 & 25904 Targeting Family saying i will blacklist all of Error404 Family members : here Watch xDDDDDDD | Streamable

20- ID: 9720 Targeting Family members very clean from where he got killed. Reviewed - pov raq | 0000

21- here ID: 49484 insulting our fam member without any reason ( Gen Rule 6.10 ) ( Targeting Family Member )

22- Rejected - Provoking | 50629 ( Targeting Family Member )

23- ID: 67607 Is family friend they toxic on him and do GR 6.8 and GR 6.15 Grand Theft Auto V 2024 08 02 00 12 38 05 Dvr Trim1 ( Targeting )

24- https://imgur.com/a/nmGa6KiGR 3.2 ( Targeting Family Member ) by saying to him "u want a blacklist"

25- Rejected - Targeting Demons Family | ERROR404 Family ID 49484 ( Targeting Family )

26- Rejected - Targeting | 2171 ID 49484 ( Targeting Family + Family member )

27- Reviewed - Wrong Decision | Xohan Black ID: 9720 Name hisham fully targeting in the forum our fam member ( Targeting Family Member )

2- also here he did that he broke forum rule 9 he have 4 account here :
1- https://imgur.com/a/Lkxlbdl#zl2wQQn
2- https://imgur.com/a/dLR8YHR#xbyfw7j
3- https://imgur.com/a/YRWOEwB#hI3Byqa
4- https://imgur.com/a/mpmWYB4#rn94NKR 4 Account of ban evading and saying why blacklist and they can do fourms accounts again.

28- Grand Theft Auto V 2024 07 19 23 20 37 02 DVR ID: 49484 ( Targeting Family Members here)

29- All his friend are doing forum ban evading here : 49484
1- https://imgur.com/a/FwVNlPy
2- 3- https://imgur.com/a/a83UnGH

30- ID: 3878
1- https://imgur.com/vHKiIB0
31- ID: 56531
1- https://imgur.com/a/ILmWRWE#F2hbpWK
2- https://imgur.com/a/2z0gTdJ#qT4iuh1

32- Grand Theft Auto V 2024 08 05 01 23 47 04 DVR Trim here ID: 49484 when they split on our friend

Thank u sir for reading this long report, have a good day!

Barzani Error

Nov 23, 2022
Not Off Topic
Hello Dear Bobby Pluxury i wish you are doing well.
This guys ID 49484 , 3878 insulted me in emails sorry i cant provide the video here.
I send the video in dms account name : Faz3a
Thanks Dear Bobby.

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

Following IDs 56531, 52261, 3878, 9720, 49484 will be blacklisted for the following reasons, targeting, provoking, mass rule violation not only in game but in forums as well and in general not being any good to the server, further issues of such and I will be taking further actions against all individuals involved!!!
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