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Yuvraj Kamboj

May 31, 2024

1. Your name IRL: Yuvraj
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 8-10 hours
5. Your Discord: yuvraj_op9790
6. Your Nickname: Yuvraj Shelby
7. Your ID: 77105

Additional information

1. Leader of...

Life invader

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

Ability to be Creative
: I have always been able to create some excellent work though Life Invader I served under multiple exceptional terms " Nyx Don Kiddick and now Opti". Thoughtout my experiences in these terms i have found myself creating some of the best posters articles and videos and surprising myself with each and every upgrade to my abilities. I also want to encourage others to unfold their abilities of imagination and see what their full potential could be aswell as have as much fun as i did thoughout my time in Life Invader.

Better News: One thing i did pick up on is that alot of people stay away from Journalism through Life Invader, and to be fair it seems to me this is one of the funnest positions within Life Invader. However people see the work and not the experiences this provides. As a journalist i loved being able to go around into situations like gunfights hostage situations, arrests being made on state employees, the list could go on for days. One of my main goals would be to introduce a better training for journalist how to get information of ongoing situations events so on so fourth and how to also stay safe and productive while attending these. Additionally my reporters would always stay out of taking sides , when i send a reporter to the field i would expect them to write about what is going on rather then take a side because they know its a state org etc. I dont want news to be focused on only the bad side because to every situation there is two sides of the story, The legal organizations are not always 100 % on the right side of the law.

Work From Home Feel: I Strongly believe that LifeInvader honestly gives a work from home vibe. You can be anywhere in the city at any point and time and be able to write an article, create a poster , edit a video, or even edit and publish ads. To me this honestly gives Life Invader the best job in the city title as you have the Liberty to still get involved in many things happening in the city. You dont miss the action as half the time youre there filming it, and you run into alot more roleplay and realistic scenerios. Have a few minutes? Edit some Ads. Its always passive money while at the same time you can be hanging with a few friends at casino for example. Life Invader gives you freedom as much work as it is you dont really feel like its work, its more of a pleasure to be working under Life Invader and my main goal would be to make sure everyone sees Life Invader for the fun Organization that i saw it as.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

Communication: One of my biggest things when i was in charge of journalism was always making sure that Leos were aware that i would be at a situation and where in that situation i would be stationed at. Without communication you are playing a very risky game where Leos can mistake you for Criminals and criminals can mistake you for an Leo. I feel like if you are a journalist at a situation your life should be your main priority, no journalist for example would ever go face to face with the capture of a hostage. {exception a Drone}

2. Ride Alongs: Cant find something to write about? Very simply go and talk to some LEOs to go on a ride along of the city for a few hours or even a day. Alot happens within the city that half of the city has never heard of or even experienced. Why not capture these moments for those who cannot? I personally loved going on ride alongs with LEOs as it is a different experience and some bounding between different organizations. Even just going on a ride along with EMS you would be surprised with the amount of Radom and crazy things they see in one day alone.

3. Better Training: By this I mean mostly for the ads department. I believe no one should be allowed to join ads team simply because the passed their tests. There are various ways someone can cheat throughout these tests and would be rather simple for someone to help their friend join LifeInvader. So, I propose we implement a system where Ads trainee would only be able to do ads in front of a High Command or a Ads team Trainer. This being implemented would truly who actually deserves to be in Ads Department and who cheated their way into it. After a certain period of doing ads Infront of the High Command the Trainee would then be promoted and treated as any other Ads team employee. The only difference being, as a Trainiee they wouldnt be able to do ads if it was not near a High Command or a Trainer. Giving it the more realistic feel and making them communicate with their Chain of command, so there is more involvement and more of a earned rather then given.

4. Limitless Events: I propose that anyone in the organization would be allowed to plan and pitch an idea for an event, something new something more exciting. These ideas would then be looked into by higher commands, see what is realistically possible within the terms of RP. Reason why i say everyone is whoever Plans and Pitches the event obviously would be paid for the idea and the planning, but the difference would be is that everyone thinks differently, why struggle trying to plan events only through high command or creative team. When you have an organization full of different Minds and perspectives.

5. Involvement: I Believe everyone in a department should be working together and acting more like a unit instead of one person does this one person does that, i feel like a poster or article should be looked at by two people of that department instead of one, as i said above everyone thinks differently and more creative things will happen if 2 or more people are involved. Same thing for ads team instead of judging someone based of their wrongs pull them aside and talk to them help them to get better. I remember during Don Kiddicks term we literally used to say on radio Example take a break for a bit. We understand people get tired sometimes the Pda is flooded. Life Invader is supposed to be fun not stressful Last thing i want is People criticizing their own department workers.

In conclusion, I'm thrilled to be considered for the new CEO of Life Invader, I believe i can bring a tremendous amount of new roleplaying experiences to this organization that many people wouldnt have expected from this org. The Capabilities are endless and im looking forward to the obsticles that i may face along the path of achieving everything i want to turn LifeInvader into.

Thank you for reading and considering my application!

Your Truly...
Yuvraj Shelby
In conclusion, I would not bring people who could warn me about organizations, I would give ranks on merit.

Abhijeet Burrows

Head of Bunnies
Server Administrator
Feb 6, 2024

Put time and efforts while making your application
Rather than copying and pasting from others

Reapply and,
Make an application in your own words.
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