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Jamol Jankins

Aug 8, 2024

1. Your name IRL- Shamus

2. Your age-18

3. Time zone-US CT

4. Average online per day- (6-8 hours)

5. Your Discord- jamoljankins.

6. Your Nickname- Jamol Jankins

7. Your ID- 181974

Additional information

1. Leader of... The Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

- I would like to become leader of The Families because I would like to restore the roleplay back into gangs and bring lots of gang activity into the ghetto and bring back highway robberies as that isn't seen as often as it used to.

- Because I was a leader of a gang before I am aware of the right and wrong things to do as a leader. To make sure your HC know how to deal with certain issues and have members that know the rules thoroughly. This would allow for less rule breaks and keep from gang warning so we can hopefully go for a second term.

- I believe that I am fit for leader because I have lots of experience in the city, specifically in the gangs learning the ins and outs of the rules that they consist of. I will make sure my gang goes to all events and has constant special events such and store robberies and hostage situations to keep the LEOs on their feet.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

- I will work on improving the roleplay by making sure I teach my members the rules instead of just punishing them for their small mistakes and making sure that my HC will do the same. I want my members to always be active and make sure the other gangs know we are a threat at the events. I would also improve the roleplay by keeping it fair between my members and treat them all the same. I will hand out bonuses and rank ups will be given based on your contribution to the gang.

----- My Goals for The Families-----

- 100% turfs.

- Have a constant member count of 50+ throughout the day.

- Win car theft the first week to set the tone for the other gangs.

- Keep spray profits above 10k.

- Do store robberies and hostage situations daily.

- Do our FZ raids as often as possible.

- Lastly Have Fun.
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