Family Name: Desiz
House Number:1300
Family Leader: John Desi
Family Representatives: Arno Dorian, Alen Sheep
Family Leader's ID: 16947
Leader's Discord: MINENAMIC GAMING#5109
Leaders forum account link: SHASHANK
A guy from the ghetto sees the first murder of a child at age of 15, Disturbed wanted to get out of the ghetto as soon as possible thinking of friends and family at age 15, Did Taxi for a long time and one of the riders was Arno Dorian a long ride from airport talked about the situation at the end of the ride gave me the keys for his apartment and said take it and build a family that support JUSTICE and FREEDOM. Then started recruiting friends to family but some already were on the wrong path I told them to do whatever they want but if it comes to family there will be consequences.
Family goals:
Make friends and positive relationship
Achieve top 10
Getting businesses to support the family
Gain Respect
Expectations from Family Members:
Attend family events
Share New Information
Family daily Task:
Attend family events
Selling and trading stuff
Family ranks:
6. Leader- Family Head
5. Deputy Leader- Co-Founder of Family
4. Captain- Trust of family
3. Deputy - People Who know what to do (Know all the rules)
2. Soldier - People Who need guidance and need to learn
1. Newbies- Just came to the city and family
Family rules
1. It's your own responsibility to know most of the rules if you can not understand some of them you can ask any hc
2. Stealing from family storage or weapons is not allowed
3. Do not disregard family cars which means don't let Leo take the car for the wrong parking
4.No OOC insults or racism also we will give 1 strike and do it 1 more time and kicked from family.
5. Do not break rules
6. You need to wear your fam outfit for events
7. Be friendly with other members of the family and respect each other don't fight
8. Don't get our family into problems
9. Help lower rank members
Family OutFit:
Family car colour- black
Discord - A New Way to Chat with Friends & Communities
family logo :
House Number:1300
Family Leader: John Desi
Family Representatives: Arno Dorian, Alen Sheep
Family Leader's ID: 16947
Leader's Discord: MINENAMIC GAMING#5109
Leaders forum account link: SHASHANK
A guy from the ghetto sees the first murder of a child at age of 15, Disturbed wanted to get out of the ghetto as soon as possible thinking of friends and family at age 15, Did Taxi for a long time and one of the riders was Arno Dorian a long ride from airport talked about the situation at the end of the ride gave me the keys for his apartment and said take it and build a family that support JUSTICE and FREEDOM. Then started recruiting friends to family but some already were on the wrong path I told them to do whatever they want but if it comes to family there will be consequences.
Family goals:
Make friends and positive relationship
Achieve top 10
Getting businesses to support the family
Gain Respect
Expectations from Family Members:
Attend family events
Share New Information
Family daily Task:
Attend family events
Selling and trading stuff
Family ranks:
6. Leader- Family Head
5. Deputy Leader- Co-Founder of Family
4. Captain- Trust of family
3. Deputy - People Who know what to do (Know all the rules)
2. Soldier - People Who need guidance and need to learn
1. Newbies- Just came to the city and family
Family rules
1. It's your own responsibility to know most of the rules if you can not understand some of them you can ask any hc
2. Stealing from family storage or weapons is not allowed
3. Do not disregard family cars which means don't let Leo take the car for the wrong parking
4.No OOC insults or racism also we will give 1 strike and do it 1 more time and kicked from family.
5. Do not break rules
6. You need to wear your fam outfit for events
7. Be friendly with other members of the family and respect each other don't fight
8. Don't get our family into problems
9. Help lower rank members
Family OutFit:

Family car colour- black
Discord - A New Way to Chat with Friends & Communities
family logo :