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Juli Parkar

Mar 12, 2023
Organization: NG

Name: Juili Parkar
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Nationality: Ind
Place of Birth: India
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Gray
Hair color: Magenta pink
Tattoos: R,L hand
Strengths: Always help everyone, Good aim
Weakness: Trust everyone.

Life Story.
Juili parkar was born in Los Santos on January 28, 2004 at the PH central hospital. soon her mother Realize the girl is Born she left Juili in hospital and ran away. that time she was raised in orphanage. she was sweet little kid. soon one couple cam their to adopt a child and they choose Juili. they were happily living her dad was taking very good care of her. her mom always makes mouth watering dishes. her families financial condition was very good.

soon after few days Few FIB people show-up at their door. and they arrested her father in charges of money laundering. juili and her mother was shocked Knowing her dad is in such business. soon later FIB gives her dad Clean cheat. and grant freedom. and again every one was happy. after few days juilis dad dies in a tragic car accident. LEOs said that this is a plan murder. juilis heart broke into pieces. there was no more happy family. because of this trauma her mother slides in depression. days passed and soon LEOs close the case.

Career Story:
Too get know what exactly happened with her dad she had become Police. and she made it after few month spending into LSPD she got some clues that her father and NGs commander have some dirty connection. both of them was working for drug mafia. She left LSPD and Join NG to know the real truth. soon after she join She started to collect all evidence. and she finds that her father was having soo much loan that he took to take good care of her family. the debt was more the 2$ Million. which her father failed to repay. now juili want to take revenge of her father and for that she have to get close to that drug mafia. for that she have to do some corruption so that she will make some good connection with small drug dealers.


  1. juili can kidnap rob or kill in secret areas - it only applies to criminals or people talking bad about him or ng org ( gen6.16 will be followed)
  2. juili can sell information to criminals , individuals or criminal organization (100k bribe or guns and ammo )
  3. juili can use / sell /buy XXX weapons and drugs ( both on duty and off duty
  4. juili can take part in criminal activites , alone or with his friends and family
  5. juili can try to locate, smash and break bodycams. ( /try 2 times per situation )
  6. juili can use truth serum on criminals and 10-15s ( using try command 2 times each sit)
  7. juili can take bribes of 100k dollars or illegal weapons or items (cannot take bribe to be hostage )
  8. juili can lie about requesting a lawyer and can deny the request of lawyer
  9. juili can deny to show his id and always wear a mask to protect his identity( personal mask off duty and balaclava on duty )
  10. juili can buy information from gang for personal gain. and sell it also

Thank you soo much for reading.

Chanush Movva

Dec 15, 2022

Outcome 5: /try to find the bodycam (twice per situation) and /do to destroy it.
Outcome 6: /try (twice per situation)

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC
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