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Sakuta Azusagawa

Old Asian Man
Dec 11, 2021
Title: Leader of | IC Name

1. Jerry
2. 27
3. Pacific Time
4. 4-8 hours per day
5. WeeabooPepe
6. Sakuta Azusagawa
7. 90324

Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
  • I want to be the leader of the National Guard because I want to replicate my experience from the United States military into Grand RP. Being in the leadership position for the National Guard helps provide the opportunity to shape the direction of the organization and influence its impact in the server. Regarding my credentials and why I believe that I am capable of taking on this position, I have prior military/police experience as a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps (IRL) and Deputy SRT Commander (as Chiang Kaishek at the time) during Frederick Rogues' term as Sheriff. In addition to my experience as a leader, I spent over 20+ hours rebuilding the foundation and structure of SRT and made it one of the top units in the Sheriff's Department
  • From my experience in the United States Marine Corps, I've seen and drafted up multiple types of documents that the current United States military utilizes; this includes the recruiting process/recruiting paperwork, creating documents that replicate the military would utilize such as the UCMJ, replicate how notices and memorandums from the military would look like and how they were issued out, military customs and courtesies, etc. (If you would like to see these documents, please let me know.)
  • I want to immerse myself in military lifestyle again and spend the time to make roleplaying as a active duty National Guard member better and as fun as possible for everyone in the server. To forward my goal as the leader of the National Guard, I will lead by example, inspiring creativity and adaptability within the organization to meet evolving demands and achieve our objectives.
3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
  • Instead of utilizing badge numbers, all military personnel will only be addressed as their rank and last name with the exception of military police. For example, Brigadier General Azusagawa or Sergeant Rojas.
  • Implementation of billets (roles). Billets mean that they are special roles/tasks assigned to personnel that help run the National Guard. Examples: Recruiter, Drill Sergeant, Pilot, etc.
  • All military personnel will adhere to and obey the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) while they are serving as a soldier of the San Andreas National Guard whether on duty or off duty. To explain further, if a soldier is to commit a crime as a citizen (off-duty) and is processed by local law enforcement, that soldier is still subject to a court martial or a nonjudicial punishment when their prison sentence is over. Court martials will only occur when the crime is to be deemed extreme such as murder, espionage, treason, etc. Nonjudicial punishments (NJP) will only occur for small infractions such as fighting, theft, disobeying orders from an officer or soldier above their rank, intentional destruction of government property, sleeping on watch, etc.
  • All military personnel will be wearing the same uniform that the leader designates as the standard uniform during his/her term with the exception of the leader, deputies, high command, and specialized personnel within a brigade or battalion within reason. To further explain this exception, the leader, deputies, high command, and soldiers from specialized personnel must still wear a militaristic uniform while on duty to maintain military professionalism.
  • The National Guard will learn how to conduct proper promotion ceremonies; i.e. maintaining a formation, proper reporting procedures from an NCO/SNCO to an officer, reading off the to-be-promoted soldier's promotion warrant. All of these traditions and customs will be taught by myself and my deputies.
  • Competitive Bonus Incentive: Any soldiers that want to go above and beyond for the benefit of the National Guard and the state such as signing up for different departments, assisting with as much as they can, gate guard hours, etc. The soldier(s) with the most logged and properly documented actions will be rewarded with reasonable bonuses for their efforts.
  • Involving all other state organizations as much as possible. For example, assisting to provide minimal military escorts for state leaders (reason for minimal is due to not wanting a strong military presence in the city).
  • Weekly Training Exercises: Each high command personnel must create and coordinate a training exercise at least once during the leader's term that is to be submitted to the deputy/deputies then the leader to be approved. Once approved by the leader, the training exercise will then be submitted to the Curator for approval. These training exercises could include other state organizations or just be internal. These training exercises will occur every Sunday.
  • Revision of Ranks Within National Guard
    Rank 1: Recruit

    Junior Enlisted
    Rank 2: Private (E-1)
    Rank 3: Private E-2 (E-2)
    Rank 4: Private First Class (E-3)

    Noncommission Officers
    Rank 5: Specialist (E-4)
    Rank 6: Corporal (E-4)
    Rank 7: Sergeant (E-5)
    Rank 8: Staff Sergeant (E-6)
    Rank 9: Sergeant First Class (E-7)
    Rank 10: Master Sergeant (E-8)
    Rank 11: First Sergeant (E-8)
    Rank 12: Sergeant Major (E-9)
    Rank 13: Command Sergeant Major (E-9)

    Rank 14: Second Lieutenant (O-1)
    Rank 15: First Lieutenant (O-2)
    Rank 16: Captain (O-3)
    Rank 17: Major (O-4)
    Rank 18: Lieutenant Colonel (O-5)

    Rank 19: Colonel (O-6)

    Rank 20: Brigadier General (O-7)

    means High Command

    Reasons For Changes From Top to Bottom
    1. Recruits will undergo bootcamp (training) by a drill sergeant from the Southern San Andreas Recruiting Battalion (SSARB). Once a recruit has completed their bootcamp, the drill sergeant will notify high command, preferably the commander of the SSARB, and promote that trainee from Rank 1 to Rank 2.
    2. Any applicants that do not have previous experience with any state organizations can only promote up to Command Sergeant Major. In real life, if you want to become an officer, you must have a bachelor's degree. So to help this, having LEO experience allows us to somewhat replicate this. However if any high command, deputy or the leader deems the officer to lack LEO experience, they will be demoted down to enlist ranks.
    3. There will be only (4) Sergeant Majors and (1) Command Sergeant Major during the term. The reason for this is because there will be a Sergeant Major for each department that I would like to implement and one Command Sergeant Major because he is the senior enlisted of the entire base.
    4. The reason for the leader to have the role as Brigadier General is because Brigadier Generals are usually in command of bases in real life. Any generals above Brigadier General will usually be in command of entire regions such as the West Coast in the United States.

  • Implementing New Battalions/Brigades (Departments)
- 49th Military Police Brigade​
- 223rd Military Intelligence Battalion​
- Southern San Andreas Recruiting Battalion​
- 144th Fighter Wing​
49th Military Police Brigade
This department will consist of personnel whose main mission is to be in charge of maintain peace and order within the base and always have personnel at both North and South Gates. Their duties include but are not limited to providing additional gate guards for regular soldiers without a billet, searching all other military personnel for illegal items, and patrol authorized military zones within Sandy Shores/Paleto Bay areas.
Billets: Military Police
223rd Military Intelligence Battalion
This department will consist of personnel whose main mission is to be collecting information from both state and criminal organizations to build evidence against potential attacks, corruption, threats to the State, etc. Their duties include but are not limited to spy on citizens of the state, gather information, build a case against state employees for corruption. Since this is a dangerous department, this department will consist of no more than 5 personnel at all times. Any personnel that belong to this department cannot assist with ongoing events such as hostage situations, bank robbery, base attack, etc. while they are actively carrying out their duties for this department. TLDR: They must act like normal civilians.
Billets: Investigator
Southern San Andreas Recruiting Battalion
This department will consist of personnel whose main mission is to recruit and train all citizens that want to join the National Guard. There will be two billets that are essential to this department: Recruiter and Drill Sergeant. Both Recruiter and Drill Sergeant billets must be at least the rank of Sergeant. They must coordinate with their officers to be able to recruit people. Recruiters duties include but are not limited to running recruitment drives, running promotional recruitment drives that include bonuses (must be approved by the Leader and then the Curator), and go around the city limits finding anyone (while on duty) that want to join the National Guard. Drill Sergeants are to be in charge of training all recruits.
Billets: Recruiter, Drill Sergeant
144th Fighter Wing
This department will consist of personnel whose main mission is to provide aerial transportation and aerial information for the National Guard. Personnel who apply for this department must test out with the commander of the department to be able to join. How the test is to be conducted will be at the commander's discretion. Personnel must log at least 30 minutes of flight time weekly to be able to stay in this department. Their duties include but are not limited to transportation of cargo/personnel and patrol the air space around the base.
Billets: Pilot
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