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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Sophia Queens
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Chanush Movva
Aug 23, 2024
Will provide to reviewing admin

Sophia Queen

May 24, 2022
Dear Bobby, Floki and Adham,

today I received a ban from the server for "Targeting org" which I wish to appeal here.

First of all, the whole issue started with one FIB agent which is a friend of the leader, arresting me and breaking following rules: General Rule 6.4 and FailRP. While I was already writing the report on forums for this incident, the Governor and me decided to also talk to the leader of FIB to keep it fully ic and also we wanted to warn him because according to our information ID 21172 was a Deputy before and we didn't want FIB to get in trouble for this, which I also mentioned to one of the FIB agents at the DOC. Arriving at the FIB hq, I admit I was toxic towards the leader and especially the person that arrested me, because I was still angry about the situation but the Governor Nateq calmed the situation down and requested a meeting with the FIB director in private so they could solve the issue, which the Director refused many times even after being ordered by the Governor. At the end he did agree on it and they both walked into the office. After they walked away, FIB continued being toxic towards me and to my shame I replied to them, which is clearly professional misconduct from both sides and I should be punished for this as well. I also do admit that in my anger, I was asking a "friend" of mine for evidence against FIB, which I also included as evidence. Furthermore after I calmed down, I joined the meeting between the Governor and the Director to conclude the situation where as the Director again protected his friend who wrongfully arrested me.

After the situation was concluded, I informed our curators and asked them for a meeting in curator vc to inform them about the situation because it was clear to me that this will also find the way to the curators of FIB. Icly I received multiple complaints about FIB agents being toxic towards other organisations, multiple times FIB agents were arrested for trespassing at DOC while they are off duty and they even blacklisted someone wrongfully for apologizing on department for the toxic behaviour of their members over department chat, which I also included in the evidence.

Over all, if I would have had any intentions to target FIB, I would have gotten multiple evidence against them already but instead I was fair to all organisations and I was even talking to my Supreme Court Justice today to step down (which I also include in the evidence) so I don't have to deal with this kind of behaviour anymore.

Me talking to the SCJ about stepping down

In conclusion, I do not understand how me asking for evidence after the incident that happened to me, which clearly angered me as I am just a human being counts as targeting an organisation, which is about to disband anyway in a few days.

I will provide all the evidence to the reviewing admin of course.

Thank you for reading my appeal and have a great rest of your evening.
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