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Date of violation
Sep 1, 2024
Time of violation


Jul 9, 2024
sir I do not know why my voice is not coming in the video but sir he told me that he has a task of race and win you can check it in left eye then he offered me race of 10000 bet than he won then when I told him to return me my money he said one more race I(he) will lose but when I accepted the offer he won intensely sir please permanently ban this because of these type of cheaters one of the best roleplay server is getting worst day by day one more thing sir can you please tell me that of how many days did he got ban or permanent ban or any other punishment sir my one forum complain related to this was rejected because my voice was not coming in the video and by mistake I entered wrong time but sir wrong time was a valid reason but voice is not an valid reason sir I am not disrespecting anyone sir I do not know why my voice is not coming sorry sir now what I can do sir I am very very sorry if you felt it disrespecting of admins I really admire Grand RP admins as there maximum decisions are correct
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