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Soham Gaitonde

Nov 28, 2022
Name: Soham Gaitonde

Gender: Male

Age: 53

Nationality: Indian

Place of birth: India

Sexuality: Straight

Eye color: Black

Hair color: Blue

Tattoos: All over the body.

Strengths: Intelligent, expert driver, skilled shooter, good article or story writer

Weaknesses: Thinks a lot, trusts people easily.

Life Story:

Soham was born in 1975 in a small town on one of the Indian islands in a family of farmers, on the 10th birthday of Soham, he decided that it was not suitable for him to follow in his father's footsteps and become a farmer. On one of the nights, Soham left a note that telling his family he loves them, and he is leaving. He was found by someone that will change his life forever. A leader of the biggest gang in India Soham was taken by the leader to live his best life. Soham's new friend taught him everything he needed to know about this life because his new friend loved him like his own Brother he wanted Soham to continue his work as a gang leader a few years passed and Soham was 28 his friend died and Soham took over the gang and being all over the news everywhere in India you know who Soham is. A few years pass while Soham is leading the gang he decides to check on some special people he catches a flight to an Indian island after a little bit of search he finds his past home his mom recognizes him from the TV hugging him tight and right after giving him a slap telling him that’s what have become from my son a gang leader sad and happy at same time Soham decide to make another big change and to move to Los Santos and to join the FIB.

Career Story:

Since his childhood Soham wanted to be an LEO but his life made him change his decisions because of his New Friend who was a gang leader In the end Soham followed in his Friend's footsteps and became a gang leader just like him but always in his heart wanted to be an LEO so when he met his mom once again it change his thinking and he run from the world of the gangs he came to a city named Los Santos because of his experience in crime he pass a lot of Interviews and managed to pass the fitness tests he was welcome in FIB and at the end completed his dream to be an LEO and make his mother happy again by helping the law and to not go against.


1. Soham can take bribes (up to 100k and ask for guns/ammo/illegal stuff as bribe).
2. Soham can torture/interrogate for information and use truth serum (/try uses truth serum twice per situation ).
3. Soham can engage in any type of criminal activities with his family members and his friends.
4. Soham can search suspects and leos for their bodycams, and destroy them. ( using /try 2 tries per situation and /do to break )
5. Soham can remove change suspects prison sentence and give less or more fines.
6. Soham can break any laws ( only IC laws )
7. Soham can lie to suspects about calling a lawyer, reject their request and refuse to show any type of ID.
8. Soham can arrest anyone he feels annoyed or finds any violations in the law. ( with an IC reason )
9. Soham can manipulate state data bases in order to delete or create information.
10. Soham is able to talk to gang / crime family members in order to get evidence from them, as well as fabricate evidences.
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