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Alexander Federal

Ex Leader of Ballas
May 4, 2024
1. Are you 18 or older (age OOC): Yes/No: YES
2. Time zone:GMT(5:30)
3. Daily time active on the server (XX:XX AM - XX:XX PM):3:10 TO 21:00
4. Average online per week (hours):50 HOURS
5. Your Discord ID: ii_sinizstry
6. Your characters' name (IC):Alan Pluxury
7. Your ingame ID (Main and twink):402979
8. Your ingame level:10 bcz i got ban from en2 for some resone but i have experince their
9. Prefered curator of (State or Crime):State
10: Languages spoken:English,spanish,malayalam

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
## I want to become an admin because I’m passionate about enhancing the community experience and ensuring a fair, fun environment for everyone. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time in RP-life, but I believe stepping into an admin role will allow me to contribute on a larger scale, address issues more effectively, and help shape the future of the game. This change is driven by a desire to make a positive impact and support the community in new and meaningful ways.
2. What positions have you held in the city? (Crime/State/Leader of Unofficial): STATE
3. What are your strengths?

  • Problem-Solving: I excel at analyzing situations and finding effective solutions, which helps me tackle challenges efficiently.
  • Communication: I’m clear and articulate, able to convey information and instructions effectively to others.
  • Adaptability: I can quickly adjust to new circumstances or changes, making me versatile in different situations.
  • Teamwork: I work well with others, fostering collaboration and supporting team goals to achieve success.
4. What are your weaknesses?
  • Perfectionism: I sometimes focus too much on details, which can slow down progress or create unnecessary stress.
  • Overcommitment: I have a tendency to take on too many responsibilities, which can lead to burnout if not managed properly.
  • Impatience: I can get frustrated when things don’t move as quickly as I’d like, though I’m working on being more patient and understanding.
  • Delegation: I occasionally struggle with delegating tasks, preferring to handle things myself, but I’m learning to trust others more.
5. What skills can you bring to the admin team?

1. **Leadership:** I’m experienced in guiding and motivating others, helping to foster a positive and productive team environment.
2. **Conflict Resolution:** I’m skilled at mediating disputes and finding fair solutions, ensuring a harmonious community.
3. **Organizational Abilities:** I excel in managing tasks and prioritizing responsibilities, which helps in keeping the team’s objectives on track.
4. **Technical Proficiency:** I’m adept with relevant tools and systems, which can streamline administrative processes and improve efficiency.
5. **Creativity:** I bring innovative ideas for events and improvements, enhancing the overall player experience and engagement.

6. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

###I don’t have a business, so there’s no need to worry about selling one. I’m fully focused on contributing to the admin team and committed to making a positive impact.
7. Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment?
##No, there are no current real-life issues or situations preventing me from being active. I’m fully available and committed to dedicating the time and effort needed to excel in the admin role.
8. Anything else we should take into consideration or we shou
ld know for your application?

##I’d like you to know that I am genuinely passionate about contributing to the community and bringing a positive impact. I’m committed to ongoing learning and improvement, and I’m eager to leverage my skills and experience to support the team and enhance the overall player experience. If there are any specific areas you’d like me to focus on or any additional information you need, please let me know—I’m here to help and ready to adapt as needed.

King Specter.

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Jul 30, 2022

Gain more experience and spend more time in EN1 then apply again.​
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