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It is what it is
Aug 11, 2024
  1. Your name IRL: Mason
  2. Your age (IRL): 18 Years Old.
  3. Time zone + country: EST | United States
  4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play: 15:00 - 04:00 (This is mainly for weekdays, I'm a bit more busy but I can guarantee that time will be put to my duties. On weekends, pretty much all day)
  5. Average online per day(hours): 10+ (This has been constant and proven.)
  6. Your Discord ID: 1277405329755213956
  7. Your characters' name (IC): Jordan NoLimit
  8. Your in game ID: 68941
  9. Your in game level: Level 13+ (I've seen people accepted for this LVL with around the same ID, so I hope this is okay now. I feel, I know, I am prepared.)
  10. Languages spoken: Fluent English, Some Spanish, Some French. Now, I can loosely understand Turkish but don't hold me to this, although I'm willing to take the time to learn to help me with my duties. That is the level of dedication I'm trying to show.
  11. What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime): CRIME (Can do STATE if needed.)
Additional information:
  1. Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
    I am someone who prefers to help more then RP, that is where my skills shine. RP is fun it has taught me the rules, the players, what to expect, and what to know. With this being said, I KNOW it is time to come above the RP and instead of being in it, to do my DUTY to make the RP great, clean of rule breaks, and just fun like the RP I once had. Being an admin means more to me then just authority and the ability to punish rule breaks, but more so of a privilege to to have the unique opportunity to educate, to help, to serve. It may sound odd at first, but I believe being an admin is a way to serve the community of grandRP. That is why I want to be an admin so bad, to have the chance to do good, to provide a welcoming experience to new players and a better experience to existing players. Not only dose being an admin allow me to overall improve GrandRP, but it also allows me to represent in grandRP, in a way that can draw new players, so more people want to experience the amazing RP that goes on every day. It also means being there for everyone, I want to be there for people when they need help, and I want to be able to serve the community I've really really grown to enjoy.
  2. What are your strengths?
    I believe I have many very valuable strengths that will help me throughout my time as an admin. Id say my first and main strength is patience. Patience is the so called "pillar" of my work ethic. When dealing with rule breaks or any players, patience is key. From my past experience it can often take a while to sort rule breaks out, sometimes someone may not understand the language or just flat out ignore you. And that is where patience comes in, and that is where it plays a vital roll in the way I operate/will operate as an admin. Id say my second main strength is the ability to stay dedicated. This often piggy-backs offs patience, the ability to stay patient is one thing, the ability to still stay dedicated while doing the task at hand, over and over again is what often makes me stand out from the heard. I stay dedicated. I work a lot, if its school, IRL work, or being an admin, I do it all, and enjoy it. And if I'm hired, I will bring those qualities I use in my work to the admin team. Id say my final core strength is simple kindness. Ive learned over my years of playing in RP and staffing, that kindness goes a long way. Sometimes the best way to calm someone down is just kindness. Kindness is the reason I love RP, its something that can make us all friends, and its something that will go along way if im working in the admin team. Along with my other strengths kindness is what builds connections, is what will allow me to understand and feel empathy, and what will help me to be the best admin I can be, one who will no doubt enforce the rules, but one who is also considered a friend.
  3. What are your weaknesses?
    I'm not perfect, no one is. That is why I have many weaknesses, I will admit it. Throughout my life I have struggled with anxiety. Its natural to have anxiety, but often I feel it more then others. While it can often be a deterrent to the task at hand and make me just want to not go through with the task, I have instead used it to show myself I'm capable, and to use it as a challenge, something I must overcome. Due to this constant anxiety, Instead of viewing of it as a flaw, or something to be scared or shamed about, I have used it as a learning ability, and a way to make myself feel more confident then ever. The feat of having to overcome my anxiety is something that has taught me that I am capable, and that I can do it. Id say one of my other weaknesses is I have an odd trouble with just saying "no." Im often finding myself in situation's with people asking me for any list of things, and then I just feel bad and end up saying yes and agreeing. Some may argue this is good, and in some cases it is. But when it comes to being an admin, Im aware it is often important to be able to say no. That is why I have been working hard to gain up the confidence to say no, even it makes the other person no so happy. And I can say weather I get the position or not, I will still work on improving these weaknesses, as I want to become the best person, or even admin I can be.
  4. What skills can you bring to the admin team?
I can bring many many skills to the team, from my strengths to experience I have a lot to contribute. Id like to first start off with my dedication and loyalty to grandRP, as you can see above I have put a lot of time to this application, and this is because I want to show an example of the quality work you can expect to see from me. And I can promise you I will keep up this level of work if not get better, and I am with GrandRP till the end, even if this gets denied. Next, I want to hit on my experience that will help me in this role, While I'm not currently in any positions, I was in a few positions that carry some good experience to help me in my position. Mainly, I was an admin on a few big time discord servers, while this may sound dumb, but it is not, and it has really helped. On this servers I have Grown a sense from when someone is lying or not, and how to fairly judge decisions and take control of a situation. I also, have some brief dev experience in rage. Nothing enough to create my server, but enough to understand what is going on and how to fix it. For example, I used to and now as well help people in the support channel, its fun and the least I can do. I can also bring respect and the ability to follow command. I'm also have a great willingness to learn and the ability to taught. I can bring a fun person, who is ready to do his job to the best of his abilities and has a goal to only improve grandrp. I also have brief experience as a fivem admin, while commands aren't the same, the overall goal is. Therefore, I will be better off. Aswell, due me to being Fluent in English, I make very few errors in terms of writing English, therefore, is any translations are needed, anything needs to be written, I'm always there to help.

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
Yes, I do not currently own any businesses, but I will ensure I do not buy any. Anything else that is needed to give up, will be given up. I will ensure to follow all standards needed to ensure I'm following proper policy.

6. Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?
Currently there are no issues. I do not plan for there to be any issues in the foreseeable futures, but we are human, things happen. Although, Ill I can say is no matter what happens I will focus on being the best possible admin for GrandRP that I can be and to ensure that the players needs are met.

7. Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?
Level 13 may seem a bit low, but I have previous experience as a admin on FIVEM Servers. I did not mention this on my last application, but at the time I didn't feel it to be applicable. Proof can be provided. I know that I am prepared, I know all things of the server, how it works, and even about the player base. To prove this I've done a few things:

  • Have been active in the EN getting help channels helping people out with their game.
  • Have been making accepted forum reports.
  • Have been very, very active in game legal and illegal.

As well, I have been apart of both legal and illegal organizations, I'm apart of a unoff. Family, and have knowledge of everything. I'm hoping I have a big enough level, and enough proof to show I am a good choice, someone will represent grandrp is a good manner, and someone who will do the job right. I really hope I am given a chance to prove myself in the interview and prove myself in the LVL 1 phase. To me, its not the level that matters, its what I can prove. But, I understand. Therefore when I saw people accepted with this level I'm hoping its high enough to show my worth. I Know, I can, and I will make GRP better, I will do what ever it takes to prove this, I will do whatever it takes to make GRP a better place, I will do whatever it takes to be the best admin possible.

Thank you for reviewing this. This application was built off of my past application.

Arj Pluxury

"Senior Curator : Support"
Senior Administrator
Nov 15, 2021
Please contact me on Discord (argentiny) regarding the information provided in your application.
Failure to contact me will result in rejection of your application.​

Arj Pluxury

"Senior Curator : Support"
Senior Administrator
Nov 15, 2021
Please contact me on Discord (argentiny) regarding the information provided in your application.
Failure to contact me to arrange an interview will result in rejection of your application.​

Arj Pluxury

"Senior Curator : Support"
Senior Administrator
Nov 15, 2021
Cheating in the interview.​
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