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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Andrew Hulk
Administrators nickname
Federico Vautier
Sep 3, 2024

Andrew Hulk

5x Leader | LSPD | SAHPx2 | GOV | NG
Nov 29, 2022
Hi Dear lovely higherups hope you are having an amazing day, I wanna start off this appeal as rules are meant for everyone and so does justice.

- I wanna start of informing my FIB application (Rejected - Leader of FIB | Andrew Hulk) was rejected saying (Deceiving admins in past) where I have no clue of deceiving any admins at all and at any stage nor I got ban/reported for it.

- Here is link of all my applications with my Age on it so you can match it and check where I deceived and even after talking to Federico he didn't responded with reason and also after talking to Sylvia she told she sees no issue with anything with age and not aware of what's the issue so do I and for that I request you guys to just look on topic and if you can please let me know at least where I did this thing : )

- I've been a 5x leader and been in en3 for a long time and also stand with it in its good and bad days, I always loved playing Grand and specially being in state org and FIB is my last target as a leader to accomplish and here after all the sleepless and hardworking days of just making the org better as deputy (FIB) I now facing with the issue of this not exactly knowing what I did? and also I believe Bobby is an amazing guy and with very good judgement skills and all of you higherups will decide whats best and fair at the end. (Extra:- In En1 about Age Alex directly rejects saying if its over 18 (Rejected - Deceiving Admins | 147422) its good and I'm not telling you guys what to do just informing rest is upto you Have a nice day ahead : )

(All my Applications containing age)
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