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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Kane Zero

May 14, 2021

Here to make an appeal on my ban, I feel the only unreasonable statement I made was the comment on 'L admin'

To explain the situation, I came to DOC to pick up a friend... later I get power gamed and put in cuffs without any prior RP. I then make an in game report to which Spike comes and spectates to which he then stated that the scene is over. I thought this is a fair judgement to which he was still spectating the scenario.

I then get moved into a cell where the 400K ID was asking me questions, I was responding to which I noticed he just was not responding back and kept tell me to do multiple different actions. This became frustrating as I was literally speaking to him and start to shout asking if anyone could hear me. Multiple officers said they could, however the individual who was holding me and had me cuffed could not... Spike then muted me because I was shouting at the officer out of frustration. The officer then made the comment that in fact he could not hear or see me. With Spikes assistance he then was able to both hear and see me.

Now, I believe if Spike had not gotten involved the other officers would have just told the arresting officer that in fact I am speaking, it's was just an issue on his side to which he was unable to hear me.

Moving forward, I decided to DM Spike stating the 'L admin' remark. I to be honest don't really see this as an insult because still in that situation he could have handled it far better. I then went on to state that 'this is one of the most r****** things I have seen' meaning that this situation as a whole dealing with that officer to him power gaming me and insisting I follow his commands when he could not even hear me. If Spike thought I was talking about him, it's clear in this regard I was not.

To then the threat, all I literally said was that I was going to make an admin complaint to initiate a warning. Is that not a fair statement when a player has an issue with an admin to to then go and report it. I don't think that can seem as a 'threat' as it is a literal process of the server, I just in good faith told him this is what I will be doing so he would become aware.

It's not a thing of hard feelings, I wasn't trying to insult the guy. I can understand how it may be perceived but just was not like that. 'L admin' is the only negative term I used, when in fact it's not really that negative. I have been banned for a week now asking to be on consideration.

If I offended him, my bad... no intention of doing so.

Spike Pluxury

Curator of Media - EN1
Server Administrator
Oct 5, 2022
You insulted and threated after i gave you a punishment because you violated the rules. Punishment Stays from my side

Last decision will be from Alex/James.

Kane Zero

May 14, 2021
Saying I am going to make an admin complaint is a threat? To literally let you know as good will. You punished me when everyone around was saying I was in the right because they guy was bugged and could not hear me, to then mute me mid RP and help him see me to then no unmute me so he can powergame more.

Again the only insult made was 'L admin' if that can even be taken as an insult, because in this scenario he did not do a good job. I have been called 'L player' if I miss a shot... I don't take it as an insult to be honest.

I understand your remarks regardless, just you didn't do a good job in that scenario and helped a player power game me. The other officers around were also confused why you muted me when I was trying to understand if the arresting officer could hear me or not.

Alex Odd

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
Threatening admin with complain and warn - that's for sure violation of rules
if u had issue with other player u should make complain on him with your pov from start till end of situation and it would be reviewed same as all other
If u had issues with admins decision or action - u a making also complaint and don't try to 'scare him' in game...

Also what relation have 1.8 in topic of this complaint to case of admin threatening for which u are punished ?
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