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Pending review Leader of EMS | Baldwin Morningstar

1. Your name IRL: Cuciureanu Marius Vlad
2. Your age: 25
3. Time zone: Österreich · UTC+2
4. Average online per day: 5
5. Your Discord: mariuscmv99
6. Your Nickname: Baldwin Morningstar
7. Your ID: 370994​

Additional information
1. Leader of Emergency Medical Service
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
I want to take over the leadership of the medical department to try to solve some of the biggest problems that I have observed in my extensive experience as a member of this organization.
I believe that I am able to bring some notable changes in the organization, bringing a long-term benefit to the organization and not just for this term.
  • Changing the education system
    • At the moment, our educational system is experiencing major difficulties due to the reduced staff within the FTO department. I want to automate the learning system, so that we in high command have to intervene only when there are doubts in the automatic learning process, when we correct their exams and when we pass them once they have gone through the 2 learning phases, totally automatic and already thought out by me.
  • Internal Affairs Department change
    • I want to strengthen the internal department, from neutral people, with extensive experience in the organization to decide on sanctions and when our employees are sanctioned. I want only those in the internal department to offer sanctions within the organization, the sanction to be unanimous and to be put into practice only after the approval of the leader / deputy / COS, or the president of the internal affairs.
  • Changing the rank-up system
30. EMS Chief
29. EMS Deputy Chief
28. Chief Of Staff
27. President of Internal
26. Medical Director
25. Head of Department
24. Supervizor

23. Emergency Officer (RO)

22. Rescue Officer (RO)
21. Neurosurgeon (MD)
20. Traumatologist (AS)
19. Pharmacologist (Lab)
18. Surgeon (MD)
17. Paramedic (AS)
16. Senior Pharmacist (Lab)
15. Junior Surgeon (MD)
14. Junior Paramedic (AS)
13. Pharmacist (Lab)
12. Doctor (MD)
11. Chief EMT (AS)
10. Biochemist (Lab)
9. Chief Resident (MD)
8. Chief Scientist (Lab)
7. Senior Resident (MD)
6. Senior EMT (AS)
5. Scientist (Lab)
4. Intern (MD)
3. First Responder (AS)
2. Medical Student
1. Newcomer​

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization:
*We are all aware that the main duty of doctors is to cover the lobbies all the time, I would like to change the rank-up system in such a way that it is challenging and you are motivated to stay in the lobby as much as possible.
*Active participation in the life of the city, organizing controls within government departments to make sure that their employees do not suffer from contagious diseases and to check if they are legally OK (they have valid medical insurance).
*We will try to get those from the HC to focus primarily on the basic duties of doctors, and let's not forget that our main duty is to save lives and not get entangled in bureaucratic matters.
*Organizing weekly events for the employees of our organization.
*Promotion of the Emergency Medical System through active collaborations with LifeInvaders.
*Changing the rank up system so that it is fair and equitable for all employees
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