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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Rafsan Vercetti
Administrators nickname
Alex Odd
Sep 7, 2024

Rafsan Araf

Jul 29, 2024
Respected Alex Odd,First of all I want to say sorry for the reason for what you have banned me and i really feels guilty for it

Grand RP is been like my all time partner of my life.When I downloaded the game,I think it is just a game and ignored it all the time.But time after time it was becoming more realistic to me.I made lots of friends and good memories with them.After getting all the experience,it wasnt a game for me at that point.It was a part of my life and it be forever.I have been getting the enjoyment of living the character.As per my professional life,when I gets into Grand RP it feels more lively and good to me.Sorry for saying this all.

The reason I got ban is for GR 6.3.First of all I am really sorry for this act.As I had platinum prime,the gun I use and ammo dont go away when i die,as i brought platinum prime,I thought the ammo and gun should belongs to me as i brought a prime.I had no idea about this issue at all.So,as my family was unofficial I sold few items there.I did a prime out from FIB and joined LSPD when it was on freeze.I was so excited for it that i forgot to return the guns.But When I saw my inventory I ran away to FIB HQ to back it.But alas,I got banned already.I know the things that I did is very wrong,If i had any idea about that I would never did that and never had to see this day.

I’ve genuinely enjoyed my time on Grand RP and would love the opportunity to contribute positively to the community again. I miss being part of the server’s vibrant world and interacting with the other members.

I dont know I will be unbanned or not but I really thanks to Grand RP for all of this good time it has brings to me.It will be remain.unforgettable.Thank you Admin for keeping the server alive.I am so much depressed right now but when I remember the moments I had it makes me a smile on my Face

If given another chance, I will ensure that I fully adhere to the rules and guidelines, fostering a fun and immersive roleplay environment for everyone. I’m willing to accept any additional terms or conditions for my return if necessary.

King Specter.

Jul 30, 2022

Logs are clear, You stole from 3 different orgs.
You stole TONS of guns/ammo/armors from FIB + SAHP + LSPD and sold all in blackmarket.

Rafsan Araf

Jul 29, 2024

Logs are clear, You stole from 3 different orgs.
You stole TONS of guns/ammo/armors from FIB + SAHP + LSPD and sold all in blackmarket.
Yes,I really admit that I had done a very big mistake and I am really guilty for that.As I mentioned earlier If I die while on duty my guns and ammo should drops but as I had platinum Prime I thought it should be my belonging so I sold it in the black market.I didnt had the clear knowledge about the Rule and I am really feel shame for myself and the things I had done

Can I get a One more Chance please?I am begging you.If you see I gave my 100% in every org and in EMS I gave training to people for straight 10 hours so I can make the org on top.Please give me one more chance you will never see it again

Rafsan Araf

Jul 29, 2024

Logs are clear, You stole from 3 different orgs.
You stole TONS of guns/ammo/armors from FIB + SAHP + LSPD and sold all in blackmarket.
After I knew all the Things that I had done from my friend,I immediately ran to the HQ to return and item to return the items with Penalty,I am really for my act.I really love Grand RP so much,cant think of a day without it.I am really sorry again.Please give me a last chance

Rohit RageX

May 14, 2024
He is a good guy i watched his working in EMS he should get a chance...Admin plzz help him
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