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Omar Eltubgy

Jun 7, 2023
1. Your name IRL:
Omar Ahmed
2. Your age IRL: 19
3. Time zone: GMT +3
4. Average online per day: 10+
5. Your Discord: omareltubgy
6. Your Nickname: Omar Eltubgy
7. Your ID : 85751
Additional information
1. Leader of FIB
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

1. first reason is that FIB is one of the orgs that makes a lot of situations if they are active, they can do a lot of gang raids and a lot of bm raids
2. I want to make sure FIB agents are there to assist other orgs and make sure that they will catch the terrorists of the stats
3. a lot of people wanted me to apply but I did not want to but am Appling for them not for me they want to see fib always on top
4. in jack and hiko term I was federal commander and also federal attorney and helping and making sure that all departments are active and i have a good relationship with all of the orgs and I will make sure that we will work together to make sure the city will be on other level of safety
3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization
one of the things that I want to add is investigation it's in the org name Federal Investigation Bureau that if we catch one of the terrorists, we can make investigation to catch the others that was helping him and like in ooc wire him and track him and make him work for fib that will make us bust criminals that they are doing crimes against the state.
we can plant some informants in gangs to get evidence of course with the approval of the curators of fib and senior curators.
CID main focus is evidence against the gangs and crime families.
HRT main focus will be on hiring and training agents and making sure who deserve promotion in my term reaching high command will be hard to reach.
IA will focus on making sure no one is breaking rules or laws or anything of this matter or doing corruption.
SPEC OPS will focus on making new tactics for all events to ensure the win for the state orgs and they will take the lead in events and also they will go in cross training with the other orgs to give them experience and make sure that they will be having new skills and tactics from fib.
JTTF will focus on to make sure to catch all criminals in city and make sure that the city is safe for the civilians.

Chain Of Command

30) Director
29) Deputy Director
===============Senior Staff=============
28) Federal Commander
27) Chief of Staff
26) Head of Department
25) Deputy Head of Department
24) "00" Agent
23) Supervisor Agent
===============High Commands=============
22) Executive Agent
21) Secret Agent
20) Commanding Agent III
19) Commanding Agent II
18) Commanding Agent I
17) Black Ops Agent III
16) Black Ops Agent II
15) Black Ops Agent I
14) Elite Agent III
13) Elite Agent II
12) Elite Agent I
11) Sr. Special Agent
10) Special Agent III
9) Special Agent II
8) Special Agent I
7) Field Agent III
6) Field Agent II
5) Field Agent I
4) Junior Agent III
3) Junior Agent II
2) Junior Agent I
===============Low Commands=============
1) Suspended
Thank you for your time

Kevin Ford

Dec 17, 2022

Gain more experience on server and apply again in future
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