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Madhav Barnes

Jul 12, 2022
Information :

1. Your name IRL : Madhav Singhal

2. Your age IRL: 17

3. Time zone : GMT +05:30

4. Average online per day : 4 to 5 hours

5. Your Discord : iamurdadd

6. Your Nickname : Madhav Barnes

7. Your ID : 6318

Additional Information :

1. Leader of Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organisation? (List three reasons with an explanation)

  1. I have extensive expertise dealing with a wide range of scenarios due to my various stints as a deputy in gangs. Having served as a deputy leader on several occasions, I have honed my skills and am prepared to face any obstacle and address any issue, no matter how difficult it may be.My experience as a deputy in gangs (EN3: 1 X Bloods, 1 X Marabunta) and my ability to manage others well will assist my members maintain concentration during the term, since a term cannot work without an experienced leader.

  1. Many leaders just pay attention to details, ignoring the concept that serves as the project's primary goal. My goal is to establish a phrase where individuals may experience the real-world criminal side of things and the game's criminal role-playing. I want to give roleplaying a high priority and labour tirelessly, visiting several businesses, a gun store every day, and—most importantly—many hostage sits. I believe that roleplaying as a hostage has been ignored, while being the finest kind of criminal roleplaying.

  1. Most gangs lose members after a week or two, but I swear to maintain a high membership count the entire term by giving out frequent bonuses, entertaining members on a regular basis, controlling the ghetto, and consistently maintaining the highest profit margin from graffiti by maintaining a dedicated graffiti team. I'm connected to a lot of families that will join the organisation during my time and assist me in making this the greatest gang term in En Palm! with the finest activity and the highest roleplay!

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organisation.

To increase the role-play level in an organisation including Marabunta gang in an RPG, it is important to do the following in order to make the game more enjoyable to all the players. Here's a structured approach:

  1. Deepen Character Development

Backstory: The characters should have depth when constructed by the author! This gives them depth and all uses that can provide motivations for interactions as well as decisions made by characters.

Goals and Motivations: The goals/motivations of the character are also poorly elaborated – At least for each character, one should clearly define what they want. This assistance in making role-play scenarios that are set coherent and persuasive.

Personality Traits: Give each character his or her own attributes on personality. This can lead the members of the gang to engage in more interesting as well as diverse ways hence promoting togetherness and unity.

  1. Enhance Narrative and Plot

Story Arcs: Establish the large-arc stories to persist for multiple sessions. This is useful in establishing continuity and building interest in the game or the assignment of the characters.

Dynamic Events: Use plot climax and twist where nobody would expect the change to occur. This makes the role-play interesting because the participants do not repeat the same ideas over and over.

Inter-Gang Relationships: Develop multiple interactions between the concept of the gang and other teams or parties. This brings depth to the characters and can result in either interesting confrontation or partnership.

  1. Improve Communication

Active Listening: Make sure that all participants participate and listen to what other people are saying and, in turn, regard. This enhances interactions making the experience more real and real estate.

Feedback Mechanism: One suggestion is to set parameters for giving constructive feedback to other people as well as for accepting constructive criticism from others. It also aids in finding out the areas that needs changes and correction.

Regular Meetings: It is recommended that the group gets together on a regular basis to review the chapters that are under development, the characters, and the problems encountered. This keeps everyone on the same page and interested in what they are doing.

  1. Foster Collaboration

Shared Goals: Make individuals have smooth activities, common purpose, or something to bond them together. The above contributes toward the development of fellowship, cohesiveness, and team spirit.

Conflict Resolution: Organise ways through which conflicts within the gang can be solved. Constructive conflict can enrich the activity and the interpersonal relationships and maintain order and cooper

Regular Meetings: It is important to have a weekly meeting to address the following; The existing story arcs, characters progression and any complications encountered. This helps in keeping people both in the organisation and in the groups aware of their activities and tasks ahead.

  1. Maintain Immersion

Consistent Tone and Atmosphere: To keep the setting coherent, the ambiance must also match what the theme of the gang is. This assists in maintaining the role-play realistic. Attention to Detail: There are very specific nuances in the way the setting or the characters’ actions and lines are presented. The main thing, once again, is not in the big picture, but in the smaller picture. Role-Playing Etiquette: Remind the players about the correct behaviour during the role-playing, for example, do not interrupt other players, especially when they are in the middle of their role-playing session.

  1. Incorporate Feedback

Regular Check-ins: Make sure to ask some of the participants, something like ‘’How do you feel right now or have you felt like this after a similar experience before?’’ Adapt and Evolve: Take into consideration the possibility to modify your behaviour according to feedback. This demonstrates that you appreciate the contribution of others and are willing to enhance the feelings of other people. If you concentrate on these areas the gang roleplay will be far more enjoyable and you can guarantee that everyone is interacting with the tale.ation.


12. Boss

11. Deputy


10. Under Deputy

9. Godfather


7. Warlord





3. Elders



Hisham Bishop

Serve your Punishment
Server Administrator
Jun 30, 2023

Deceiving admins (Multiple age across multiple application)
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