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Rejected Unban Appeal | Blacklist (evading) | Mujo Simba

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Mujo Simba
Sep 8, 2024


Jul 24, 2024
Dobar dan postovana administracijo, ovim putem bih se zeleo izviniti svima kojima sam nesto skrivio. Dobio sam blacklistu od strane Muje a evo i zasto ja sam igrao na jednom rockstar accountu te sam kupio na steamu gta v da bih mogao da ubacujem redux, gun packove itd...Te posto mi vise nije trebao taj rockstar account ja sam ga prodao Lazaru te smo zajedno bili u voice na discordu i ja sam pravio twink acc na novom steam acc-u Lazar mi je video email i sifru jer sam zaboravio ugasiti Screen Share pa je usao na taj twink account i izvredjao Muju,Abrahama,Mazhora i ostalo i ja sam zbog toga dobio Blacklistu ja sam zatim pisao za unban i bilo mi je odbijeno_Onda sam kupio gta v na drugi steam i tu sam nastavio igrati na acc 62953 pa sam sinoc dobio ban za BL evading, zeleo bih se izviniti i zamolio bih vas da mi date jos jednu sansu i obecavam nece se vise nikada ponoviti
Good afternoon, respected administration, I would like to apologize to everyone I have hidden something from. I was blacklisted by Muja, and this is why I played on a rockstar account and I bought gta v on steam so that I could insert redux, gun packs, etc... Since I no longer needed that rockstar account, I sold it Lazar, we were in voice on discord together and I was making a twink acc on the new steam acc. Lazar saw my email and password because I forgot to turn off Screen Share, so he entered that twink account and insulted Muja, Abraham, Mazhor and the rest I got blacklisted because of that, then I wrote for an unban and it was rejected. Then I bought gta v on another steam and there I continued to play on acc 62953, so last night I got a ban for BL evading, I would like to apologize and ask I would like you to give me another chance and I promise it will never happen again
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